Silver Surfer #5

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Mike Allred Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 14
8.4Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

"Citizen of Earth" STARTS NOW!
•  Are you still reeling from the massive status quo change from SILVER SURFER #3? Think our heroes need a break?
•  No such luck. Because when the Surfer uses his powers to make Dawn's time on Earth "better", he unintentionally does something so devastating it might scar her for life.
•  Get ready for the shocking revelation... that leads into the 200th Silver Surfer comic! You do NOT want to miss this one, True Believer!
Rated T+

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 11, 2016

    A lot of lovely touches on the usual excellent character work and lovely art... Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Jul 11, 2016

    Here's another touching and funny issue of Silver Surfer, brought to you by the team that keeps bringing you touching and funny issues of Silver Surfer. Now Norrin Radd is dealing with the results of his decision to erase his homeworld Zenn-La's history from existence, which has rightfully made him feel out of place. Though Earth embraces him, he is yet unfulfilled, because Earth has embraced Kris Kardashian, and she's a horrible inhuman monster. Read this book, unless your doctor has told you to stay off pleasure and fun for the next six weeks. If you want to reduce your smile lines, you'll have to read Hagar the Horrible until the swelling goes down. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Jul 8, 2016

    This was a deep cut with intriguing underlying tones of an existential crisis; something that's touched on in plenty of comics but never delved in to in such detail and fleshed out as much asSilver Surfer#5. The artwork is quite good, though there's nothing that makes it stand out from any other comic from Marvel (or DC, to be honest.) The standard of drawing and colouring is very high, and this issue meets it well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 9, 2016

    The relationships at the heart of Dan Slott's Silver Surfer make this series something truly special, and that cliffhanger ending promises a lot more depth (or maybe turmoil) to come. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Jul 17, 2016

    Slott and Allred have been producing so many good issues of Silver Surfer that its hard to fault them too much for an issue that feels flat. At the same time, this is not a time when you finish a comic and feel like you cant wait until the next issue. I hope this is a momentary pause to reset towards a new exciting story, but the only thing teased at the end of the issue Dawn reunited with her estranged mom isnt really thrilling. Silver Surfer #5 is an okay comic, which does feature some fantastic art that almost makes up for its mostly pedestrian story. Read Full Review

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