Slapstick #4

Writer: Reilly Brown, Fred Van Lente Artist: Diego Olortegui, Reilly Brown Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 1, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 0 User Reviews: 4
N/ACritic Rating
8.1User Rating

• Slapstick's quest to retrieve his him strange bedfellows...
• the WARD.O.G.S. - America's Best Friend!
•  But can even these patriotic pups help him get to Dimension Ecch?
Parental Advisory

    No critic ratings have been found for this issue.

  • 8.0
    CrazyforRAMU Oct 31, 2017

    Slapstick faces the ugly fact that the "chosen one" all of Dimension Ecch's toons are chasing is actually his pal Mike. He's gotta enter the toonworld himself to save his buddy. This issue links him up with the WARD.O.G.S., a picture-perfect parody of the classic 80s GI Joe cartoon, who will be his allies in the coming fight. The gorgeous ARMOR agents (and Taurette!) are coming along for the ride, too. This title is giving Deadpool: Too Soon a run for its money in the "perfect infinite funnybook" category. Very nice art and superb comedy; the fact that the toon references are all strip-mined straight out of my formative years helps a lot.

  • 7.0
    RustonLF Mar 9, 2017

    The fun that the team is having with cartoons and Slapstick's unusual personality makes this a really enjoyable title. In this issue Slapstick gets help from the WAR D.O.G.S. who are purging runaway cartoons from dimension Ecch. The names of the team meant to resemble G.I. Joe characters made me chuckle. The inks and colors involved with this title are really smart. They create a distinct look between toon and real world that I love. This may not be a Marvel changing moment but this is a fun story worth reading.

  • 9.0
    Grizzwaldd Mar 1, 2017

  • 8.5
    Sidowski Sep 27, 2022

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