Spectacular Spider-Man #1
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Spectacular Spider-Man #1

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
4.7Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

The fan favorite team of writer Paul Jenkins and artist Humberto Ramos reteam for an ongoing series starring the Amazing Spider-Man! And the series kicks off with a bang - enter Venom!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 21, 2003

    Spider-Man is not a book that ventures into the creepy corners of the Marvel Universe all that often, as about the only Spider-Man story that really sticks in my mind as a truly scary story would have to be "Kraven's Last Hunt". However, if there's one Spider-Man villain who lends himself to the creepy villain lurking in the shadows archetype, I would have to say Venom certainly makes for a fine choice. Plus, speaking as a fan who was bored to death of the old "I'll eat your brains" version of the character, I welcome this new take on the character. The book also offers up some fairly interesting out-of-costume material, as we look in on Flash Thompson, who is still in a coma, but it would appear that physically he's emerged from the accident in pretty decent shape. I do have to wonder about this book's linkage to the events playing out in the sister title though, as it seems to present Peter as a swinging bachelor, while over in Amazing Spider-Man Mary Jane is back as a regular part o Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Jul 14, 2003

    Am I being too harsh to Paul Jenkins and editor Axel Alonso? I don't think so. There are basic tenants of storytelling that are being ignored. I've got no reason to care about any of the characters - other than that offensive New Zealand guy who exists solely for comic relief. Spectacular Spider-Man #1 is like walking into a movie twenty minutes late, there's a whole act missing. I reference the Sam Raimi movie with good reason, there are people who will visit a comic shop and be attracted to a new Spider-Man book thinking that it is a good jumping on point. I suspect that they'll be angry afterwards. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jul 10, 2003

    I recently wrote something in the Silver Soapbox, "Reminiscing before my Time" (which you should check out if you hadn't already done sojust click Columns, and go to Silver Soapbox)---in which I respond to some of you who call me an "old-timer" for my love of consistent art styles. Well old-fashion I may be, but I long for the days when Venom didn't look like a mutated bull. I also long for the days when a relaunch usually constituted some new plot. Shame on you Marvel---you give the sceptics reason to call it a "pamphlet". Read Full Review

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