Spider-Man 2099 #5

Writer: Peter David Artist: Rick Leonardi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 15, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 12
5.8Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

• Morlun is hunting spiders of all kinds, across all dimensions and all times.
•  By the end of this issue there will be only one Spider-Man 2099!
•  Spider-Man 2099 co-creator Rick Leonardi returns for this landmark issue that will take you to the EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE!
Rated T

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Oct 17, 2014

    In my younger days, I loved crossovers like this as it spread through a small segment of books with its own specials. But those days are long gone and I'd rather just have the main story itself. We get a small taste of it here, but mostly it's just chaos and confusion for Miguel as he deals with things. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Kyle Chrise Oct 20, 2014

    "Spider-Man 2099 #5" does a great job at getting many different versions of Miguel O'Hara into the world of "Spider-Verse," but fans of the series' first arc will find an entirely different type of story-telling here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Infinite Comix - Lewis Reynolds Oct 16, 2014

    Miguel's own story is cut relatively short. His brief interaction with Tiberius Stone and Liz Allen is largely restricted to establishing future plot points, and paints Miguel as a little nave in his suggestion that Alchemax could do good by building a new prison for the city's super-powered villains. Having come from a dystopian future, for-profit private prisons are presumably a fairly common feature amongst the wider military-industrial complex. Any and all development for Miguel takes place on the closing pages, in a fairly intriguing ending that promises wider implications for the main AmazingSpider-man title. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Kabooooom - Erik Radvon Oct 17, 2014

    All told, in the annals of crossover, fill-in issue history there have been much worse entries than Spider-Man 2099 #5. It's a passable chapter in the Edge of Spider-Verse story and David's obviously been to this rodeo before. While juggling the mandates of tying into a larger story and advancing the title's own ongoing plot, David manages to provide some clever turns and entertaining beats. It's a shame that founding 2099 artist Rick Leonardi isn't given moreroom to showcase his many talents, and also a shame that the rare reunion of Spider-Man 2099's creators wasn't arranged for something a bit more meaningful than this issue. Let's hope that the stars align and David and Leonardi get the chance to work together on a more in-depth Miguel story sometime soon. Read Full Review

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