Star Wars #58

Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Angel Unzueta Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 5, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
7.9Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

•  Is there romance in the air for Luke and Tula?
•  Is there romance in the air for HAN AND LEIA?!
•  Is there romance in the air between a bunch of stranded rebels and enormous ravenous monsters?
•  No. This last one is no.
Rated T

  • 8.6
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 13, 2018

    I like the directions that this story is taking. In the absence of Vader or his influence in this story, Gillen is showing the darker side of his children in this issue through their plans and impulses. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Dec 31, 1969

    Luke takes the lead this issue, though comes off as inconsistent. Leia and Han tease their future relationship, while the princess is making plans for something big. The story is okay, as is the art, but nothing thrills. Nonetheless, this is a competent Star Wars outing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 11, 2018

    The Escape storyline has a solid third installment here as we get to see how the core three are handling their basic standstill period right now. They're all acting pretty much how you'd expect and it's fun to see them pushing against the restrictions in their own way. There are some nice moments of history that come into it through Tula, some good training for Luke, and a decent little bit of showy action that made me laugh. Leia steals the show and has me really intrigued to see what her true plan is here as it begins to be revealed and has me hopeful for a strong execution of revenge that will hit some high marks sooner rather than later. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh Dec 5, 2018

    The issue did lack some narrative momentum though, if the duo keeps up their synchronous storytelling, this arc could raise the bar for the book's future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - NumidianPrime Dec 5, 2018

    It’s pretty clear where the rest of the arc is going to go from the solicitations and I’m looking forward to seeing it play out. I’m happy that we got this arc as a breather between two big important arcs. Hope Dies was interesting because it was such a big event in the timeline but I’m surprised to find that I’m enjoying this arc more. This is probably the most I’ve enjoyed the series since Aaron’s second arc, and if the rest of the arc goes well it could become my favorite. Can’t wait to see where it goes next! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    On Comics Ground - Sarah Bieniek Dec 8, 2018

    I like this issue a lot more than the last one. We're finally getting payoff for the setup in the last issue and I'm enjoying the actual story that they're giving us. Read Full Review

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