NumidianPrime's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics: The Gathering Reviews: 98
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance #1

Oct 10, 2019

Overall, it's an awesome start to a very promising series. I'm very much looking forward to seeing more of it now that the setup is out of the way and we can get more of the characters.

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Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance #2

Oct 17, 2019

Luke Ross's art is still solid as always. The character writing for especially Rey and Leia but the entire cast is still on point. I'm invested in the series (though I still think that it was a mistake to mention how the Finn/Poe plot goes in the Galaxy's Edge comic) and I'm looking forward to seeing where the plot goes from here.

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Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance #3

Oct 26, 2019

Luke Ross's art is still mostly great, he's one of the most consistent Marvel Star Wars artists. It's overall a pretty good miniseries. I hope that the fourth and final issue can stick the landing and bring me back to enjoying it as much as I was after the first issue.

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Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance #4

Oct 31, 2019

It's still overall a decent miniseries, it just didn't feel fully baked, which is a bit of a bummer for me because I was really excited by the concept when it was first announced, and I did mostly enjoy the first issue. The art, despite a rough moment here or there, was up to par. It's a bit of a sobering moment to realize that this is probably our last Journey To miniseries for at least three years, if we ever even get another one in the same way as these last three. I hope Marvel at least keeps doing series set in this era, and maybe I would enjoy something from this creative team more if it was done through a longer miniseries.

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Star Wars (2014) #56

Nov 7, 2018

Overall it’s a solid issue that sets up a promising arc. I’m looking forward to seeing SCAR some more and the end of the issue sets up some pretty interesting ideas that seem like will be sticking around for at least most of the arc. I can’t wait to see where Gillen takes the series after this because we know he has a grander story mapped out. I’ve been enjoying the series but I’m starting to get more and more excited about new issues releasing

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Star Wars (2014) #57

Nov 21, 2018

It’s still a lot of setup for the rest of the arc but it’s fun setup that I enjoyed reading, so I’m OK with that. It’s a refreshing and original arc in a series that has been and seems like it will continue to be fast paced, so I’m ok with slowing down for a beat. I’m really excited to see SCAR Squadron come to the moon soon and it looks like Luke might be getting a temporary romantic interest. The solicits yesterday also gave us a tease of the next arc and therefore how this one ends, and I’m excited to see where the series continues to go. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next arc or two are the last ones before we catch up to Empire Strikes Back. No matter what, I’m excited to keep reading.

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Star Wars (2014) #58

Dec 5, 2018

It’s pretty clear where the rest of the arc is going to go from the solicitations and I’m looking forward to seeing it play out. I’m happy that we got this arc as a breather between two big important arcs. Hope Dies was interesting because it was such a big event in the timeline but I’m surprised to find that I’m enjoying this arc more. This is probably the most I’ve enjoyed the series since Aaron’s second arc, and if the rest of the arc goes well it could become my favorite. Can’t wait to see where it goes next!

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Star Wars (2014) #59

Jan 9, 2019

It’s an OK issue overall. Probably my least favorite of the arc so far, but I’m still really enjoying the arc overall and I’m excited for whatever plans Gillen has for the future. I’m hoping my opinion of SCAR’s return improves next issue and even if it doesn’t I’m sure it’ll be a fun read.

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Star Wars (2014) #62

Mar 6, 2019

Solid issue overall. Nothing huge or surprising but still a good starter to an arc that I have high hopes for. Looking forward to seeing how Gillen finishes off his run!

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Star Wars (2014) #63

Mar 21, 2019

As I mentioned before, the issue is primarily set up, but it's decent set up. No big surprises but a solid first act for what I'm hoping will end up being a great arc!

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Star Wars (2014) #64

Apr 3, 2019

I'm looking forward to seeing where the next issue takes the arc. I'm especially excited to learn who will be taking over the series after Gillen leaves, which we should find out next week at Star Wars Celebration. I'm optimistic that it will be Charles Soule, who has been hinting at a big Star Wars project for a while. Either way, can't wait to find out!

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Star Wars (2014) #65

May 2, 2019

It's a very middle of the road issue. I don't have any particularly strong feelings about it. This is an arc that, like most of Gillen's arc, I think will read far better in a trade when you can get the entire story in one go. Until then, I'll continue to read the issues one by one and hope that they catch my interest more and more.

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Star Wars (2014) #66

May 16, 2019

I'm looking forward to seeing how the arc ends. It hasn't been my favorite arc of Gillen's but it has been a reasonably satisfying conclusion to a story that's been running for just over a year and a half now. The final issue should bring a nice conclusion to the long run, and I wouldn't mind a bit of a lead in to Greg Pak's run on the series that starts with issue #68. I can't wait to see what he does with the series because I've been thoroughly enjoying his work on Age of Rebellion for the most part.

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Star Wars (2014) #67

Jun 19, 2019

I think Gillen's run benefitted a lot from a reread of the entire thing start to finish. It's clearly a very tightly-plotted series and I think it works more when you can read it without extended breaks between the bits of story. I don't think some of his issues worked as well as others when reading month to month, the middle of the arcs could drag sometimes, but that problem isn't nearly as prominent when reading them all together.

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Star Wars (2014) #68

Jul 13, 2019

I can't wait to see what comes next with this arc. I'm curious how long Pak's run will last beyond it, because we're pretty firmly right up against Empire Strikes Back. It's possible that Pak will take the series past that film into a new era, but it's equally possible that the series will end or reboot once it runs out of space before. I'm looking forward to finding out what direction he decides to take it.

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Star Wars (2014) #70

Aug 9, 2019

Phil Noto's art is as great as it always is, I'm still very happy that he's taken over the series. Other than that I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next, even if I'm admittedly not quite as excited as I was when the arc started. This is one that I'd probably recommend to people, but not until after it's already come out in trade. Still, I'm enjoying it and I'm excited to see where the plot goes!

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Star Wars (2014) #72

Oct 4, 2019

Hopefully the arc throws in a few twists and turns in the last three issues too, because it's been fairly predictable for the last few issues. While I still think it'll be a shame if this arc doesn't feel lke a satisfying conclusion, I'm optimistic about the recently-announced Empire Ascendant one shot that seems to serve as a true finale to this era of Star Wars storytelling. I'm even more excited to find out what comes next from Marvel publishing since almost all of their Star Wars series end in December. Seems like we might be in for a relaunch of Star Wars comics. I'm hoping to get some announcements later today at NYCC. Can't wait to find out!

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Star Wars (2014) #73

Oct 23, 2019

Despite my concerns, I'm looking forward to the final two issues. I still don't think Dar Champion is the strongest character but otherwise just about every aspect of this arc is interesting enough. The story has felt stretched out so far but now that we're down to just two issues, I'm finding myself wondering how it can wrap up so fast. Hopefully it finds a way to bring closure to this story and the many stories that have come before it.

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Star Wars (2014) #74

Nov 16, 2019

Noto's artwork is great as always, it's a shame he only gets such a short run on the series compared to some of the previous artists I enjoyed less who got much longer runs. I think this will be an arc that I end up appreciating more in a year when I read it as a trade paperback. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that but I do miss also enjoying the series quite a bit as single issues.I've found myself going back to the end of Kieron Gillen's run on the series, just before the start of this arc, more and more lately. I hope that Pak can bring as fulfilling a climax as he did. And if not, there's always Empire Ascendant next month.

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Star Wars (2014) #75

Nov 23, 2019

I think Pak has a lot of potential as a writer and I am excited to see his work on the next Darth Vader run, even if I am tired of Vader comics. Not all of my problems but probably a number of my bigger ones with this arc probably come more from circumstances outside of his control. We're seeing our first previews of Soule's Star Wars run now and it's looking really good. I'm going to miss Han but I expect a lot from that series. Can't wait to read the first issue in a few weeks!

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Star Wars (2014): Saga #1

Dec 6, 2019

If a reader is only looking for a summary, this will just about cover it, but I think if they're interested in the events of the series, they're better off reading the stories themselves for enjoyment rather than thinking of it as required reading to understand other stories. Still, even if I don't love the issue as a primer, it works alright as a reminder in advance of Empire Ascendant later this month, which will serve as the grand finale to this era of storytelling. Hopefully that satisfies me more than #75 or this did.

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Star Wars (2020) #1

Jan 4, 2020

This issue did not disappoint me in the least and it has me very excited to see what Soule does once the series is underway. I already had high expectations and he somehow surpassed them. It will also be interesting to see how this series interconnects with the other three ongoing series starting soon in the same time period (Darth Vader, Doctor Aphra, and Bounty Hunters). One issue has completely reinvigorated my interest in this series. This run is shaping up to be perfect for all kinds of Star Wars fans. I can't wait to see what happens next!

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Star Wars (2020) #2

Feb 2, 2020

Overall, it's still an absolutely stellar issue and, so far, series. Something I've said a few times to different people is thanks to this series and Soule's other current series, Star Wars comics have never felt more like an event. The quality to quantity ratio is higher than its ever been before. I'm very much anticipating the next issue of this series, and I'm hoping to see the other upcoming series meet this standard.

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Star Wars (2020) #4

Mar 21, 2020

I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue and seeing where this series goes in general. A few months ago I thought there were too many Star Wars comics running at the same time but now I'm so invested in the few series that we have that the waits between issues feel too long. It'll be especially interesting to see how they connect with each other, since all of the current series take place at the same time and crossovers have been teased. I can think of one character in the current Darth Vader run that would certainly be interesting to see interact with Luke and Leia. Overall, I'm very impressed with Marvel's new chapter in Star Wars publishing and I can't wait to see where it leads.

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Star Wars (2020) #7

Oct 11, 2020

Overall, Soule still has yet to let me down with this run yet. I do enjoy Luke and his quest for Jedi knowledge more on average but I'm also definitely happy to have a balance of that with stories more focused on the war and the rebels. I'm excited to see how this arc concludes next issue and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where the general arc of this run goes.

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Star Wars (2020) #9

Dec 12, 2020

Hopefully the fast pace of this issue was because this arc has enough other interesting ideas Soule wanted to faster. Some of my feelings towards it will probably be determined by seeing how the rest of this story plays out, especially considering this ended on a big cliffhanger. This definitely wasn't my favorite issue of the series so far, but I still have a lot of faith in Soule as a storyteller and I'm looking forward to seeing what he doe next with the series.

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Star Wars (2020) #13

May 13, 2021

This crossover hasn't bought my full confidence yet and I think whether it will end up working in this series' favor or not remains to be seen, but this issue slots into both the series and the greater picture fairly well. It definitely doesn't reach some of the highs the series has reached in the past but it didn't let me down either, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else the crossover has in store for these characters.

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Star Wars (2020) #14

Jun 17, 2021

Overall, I'm very pleased with how this crossover is turning out and I think I'm more invested in the series than I was before the crossover started. There's going to be a lot of pressure on the rest of the story to measure up to what's come before and stick the landing, but I'm getting more and more confident that it will end up satisfying.

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Star Wars (2020) #16

Aug 22, 2021

While this isn't my favorite issue of the series so far, it didn't let me down, and I'm very much anticipating the climactic moments that the next couple of issues will bring.

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Star Wars (2020) #17

Sep 30, 2021

This is definitely one of the better War of the Bounty Hunter tie-in issues, and one that makes me more convinced that this massive event was worthwhile. These character arcs and stories are making the series a must-read for Star Wars fans, particularly those who want to fill in the gap between the final two Original Trilogy films and learn what caused the character shifts evident in Return of the Jedi. Next issue is probably the one I've been looking forward to most since the event started: the first meeting of Leia and Qi'ra. After that, we start a new Luke story, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what direction he goes from here. While this series and crossover have had some ups and downs for me, issues like this remind me why I love to keep following along.

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Star Wars Adventures #15

Oct 31, 2018

The art was pretty good in both the main and back-up stories. I especially liked the art in the back-up, I think it suits the series. Overall, it was an enjoyable issue. Nothing really notable but still fun. The main story is more or less what I expect from the series, just a quick read that’s nice but doesn’t have anything that memorable. I’m enjoying the Flight of the Falcon line much more than I thought I would when it was announced and I think Moreci’s writing is a decent part of that, I’m enjoying the comics side of the line more than I’ve enjoyed the book side so far. The hook at the end of the back-up has me especially excited for the next issue, I have a really good feeling about it.

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Star Wars Adventures #16

Dec 19, 2018

The series isn't for everyone but when it's of this quality, it's definitely for me.

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Star Wars Adventures #17

Jan 30, 2019

Overall, the issue has a decent main story and a really good backup. Next issue is our last regular Flight of the Falcon story before the big one shot to tie the entire publishing line up, I’m really excited to see Moreci tackle what might be the biggest story of the line so far: how Ducain stole the Falcon. I’ll be sad to see the line come to an end, I’ve been enjoying it every issue. Really hoping to see Moreci on something longer in the future. I’ve had a hard time keeping up with physical comics lately but this is one trade I’m definitely buying. Next month is also the start of a trio of prequel team-up stories, I can’t wait to see how that goes.

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Star Wars Adventures #18

Feb 20, 2019

Much as I like Milo and his crew, I'm sad that this is our last Flight of the Falcon story and things will be back to normal next issue. I could have taken another dozen of these stories. I still hope to see Moreci on more stories in the future, and I'm really excited to see how this run ends next month with the big one shot.

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Star Wars Adventures #19

Mar 28, 2019

Overall, the issue has a solid, if not groundbreaking, primary story and a less-than-great backup story. I’m excited for the next issue featuring a primary story about Anakin and Yoda as well as apparently a backup story about Barriss Offee. I was surprised that Barriss would be chosen for a backup, considering her arc in this era, but there’s a lot of potential there and I’m looking forward to seeing what they do with her.

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Star Wars Adventures #20

Apr 18, 2019

This was the final story in a trilogy of prequel trilogy-focused stories so the next issue begins our series of original trilogy-focused stories. The solicits for all three stories sound interesting so I can't wait to see how they turn out!

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Star Wars Adventures #21

May 9, 2019

I think I'm looking forward to the next couple of issues a bit more because they will be set in the time period between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, which is vastly more unexplored than the time period from this issue and has a bit more open storytelling potential. Still, this issue was a nice regular installment in a series that I look forward to every month. Not everything has to have big stakes or big implications, it's nice to have a series that's just for fun all-ages tales.

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Star Wars Adventures #22

Jun 6, 2019

This was a solid, regular issue of Adventures. Definitely what I expect and enjoy from the series on average. The next issue really will be set after Empire Strikes Back, about Lando and Chewie on the Falcon, so I'm definitely really looking forward to that. Beyond that, we know of a couple stories based around the sequel trilogy coming up that sound really interesting.

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Star Wars Adventures #23

Jul 4, 2019

Even if the backup wasn't my favorite, I definitely enjoyed the issue enough overall. All three of the Original Trilogy issues have been fun and I'm looking forward to next month starting the trilogy of Sequel Trilogy stories with Poe and Rapier Squadron from Before the Awakening. Should be fun!

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Star Wars Adventures #27

Nov 3, 2019

Definitely a great start to this arc of the series and about what I would hope to get from the series on a regular basis. I'm looking forward to seeing where the rest of both of these stories goes and I can't wait to look back on them after the release of the film.

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Star Wars Adventures #28

Nov 29, 2019

Overall a really solid installment in the Journey To The Rise of Skywalker line. I didn't dislike Marvel's Allegiance but I think I'm enjoying IDW's addition to the line more. Barber and Moreci are both solid staples of the series, I'm happy knowing that Moreci will still be on the series for the next batch of stories starting in January (for the first time on the lead stories, I think), and Barber on the backup for the first of them too. The series is in good hands and going well!

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Star Wars Adventures #29

Dec 19, 2019

The issue is a good installment in the Journey To publishing line, and with its release the line is officially at an end. This was the first time Adventures got to participate in the buildup, and since this is the end of the Skywalker Saga it may also be the last. I enjoyed its contribution to the story, it was nice getting to see some regular conflicts in this war because we haven't gotten too much of that.

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Star Wars Adventures #30

Feb 3, 2020

This was a very solid issue, about what I would hope for as a baseline for the series. I'm glad the creative team will be staying consistent for a bit, and it's nice to finally be able to get regular, low-stakes publishing taking place after The Last Jedi. I can't wait to see what Moreci does with Rey next month. Judging from the cover, it looks like Rey has her lightsaber, which is good. I'm a bit tired of the Rey on Jakku stories we've gotten quite a bit of over the last few years, especially since they retread each other sometimes. I'm hoping for something after The Last Jedi, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it no matter what.

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Star Wars Adventures #31

Mar 23, 2020

I'm looking forward to seeing what Moreci does with Finn next issue, and seeing how Cavan wraps up what may be the last story about Milo and the Star Herald. The series is being relaunched with a new #1 and I expect to see some changes, primarily in the format of the backup stories. I'll miss Milo and Co but I'm also completely on board with trying something new after more than thirty issues. With the constant stream of delays this series gets, hopefully it won't be too long until we see the next issue.

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Star Wars Adventures #32

Jul 16, 2020

This was a good way to wrap up a good series. I would say that I'll miss it, but it's essentially continuing uninterrupted with a new #1 in October, with Moreci even continuing to write main stories set in the same time period. The relaunch really just feels like a way to draw in new sales and an excuse to drop the backup's framing story, but we'll see. As long as the series keeps up its track record, I'll continue to enjoy it.

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Star Wars Adventures Annual: 2019

Aug 15, 2019

The execution is a delight, as to be expected from Cavan Scott. The amount of Star Wars content the man writes whlie maintaining a consistent level of quality never ceases to impress me, and it's always fun looking for all of the bits of interconnectivity he hides in all of his stories big and small.

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Star Wars Adventures: Flight of the Falcon

May 2, 2019

I'm sad to see this run end. It's been consistently one of my favorites since it started. I'd be happy with this as an ongoing backup, considering how many eras and owners the Falcon has lived through it certainly has enough stories to last a lifetime. But all good things must come to an end. I'm very much looking forward to picking this run up in trade format in a couple months, and I hope to see Moreci and Florean on many Star Wars stories yet to come.

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Star Wars Adventures (2020) #2

Nov 29, 2020

Next issue brings us a new story about Obi-Wan Kenobi in the depths of Kashyyyk, which is an exciting premise. I'm looking forward to seeing what this team comes up with next!

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Star Wars Adventures (2020) #7

Jul 30, 2021

Overall, I think this issue represented exactly what I want from the series on a monthly basis: smaller, fun, accessible storytelling that pulls from all corners of the franchise to capture the attention of a younger audience. It may not be as epic as the stories in the other comics this week from Marvel's, but it's definitely my favorite. I can't wait to see what happens in the second installment of the Luke and Leia story, and I'll be very disappointed if I have to wait another few years to get a continuation of the Corsair's story.

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Star Wars Adventures: Clone Wars #1

May 22, 2020

It's a big shame that the series is no longer scheduled to be released weekly because getting all of the parts of a series over the course of a month is something I always really liked about IDW's Star Wars miniseries. Still, I'll welcome more of it no matter what rate it comes out in. Any Star Wars is welcome during all of this. I wish The Clone Wars got more tie-in content in addition to this and the one upcoming junior adaptation, but I'm grateful we're getting this at all considering it wasn't originally in the cards until Moreci pitched it. This was a solid Anakin/Rex adventure and I'm looking forward to getting more with some of my other favorite characters.

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Star Wars Adventures: Clone Wars #2

Jun 25, 2020

It's an overall solid addition to the series with a simple plot and a good moral for kids. I'm enjoying the framing story a lot, it has the nice nostalgic feel of an early episode of the show. I think the comic delays caused by the state of the world have hit this series worse than most since it was designed and marketed as a weekly release over the course of a month, like the rest of IDW's miniseries, but now it's been bumped to monthly. At the time of writing this, I don't think we even have a date for the final issue. Still, at least it is releasing at a steady rate now. Regardless of the wait, I'm looking forward to reading the rest.

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Star Wars Adventures: Clone Wars #3

Aug 8, 2020

I do still wish we were getting this series weekly as originally intended, but at least we're now finally halfway done. There's only a couple more weeks until the fourth issue, which seems to be focused on an original character. So far this series has been a good addition to the Star Wars comic line, and I'm interested to see what happens in the last couple of issues.

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Star Wars Adventures: Clone Wars #4

Aug 28, 2020

The main story feels like it's stalled a little bit, which surprises me because the next issue will be the final one and it seems to have a flashback story of its own. The framing story is really just a vehicle to tell the flashbacks but I hope there are enough pages left to wrap it up in a satisfying way. The next flashback story looks like it'll focus on Grievous, which is exciting. I'm looking forward to seeing how Moreci tackles that character and I'm glad this series will finally get to its intended conclusion after so many delays .

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Star Wars Adventures: Tales From Vader's Castle #2

Oct 10, 2018

I did have some fun with the story though. It was cool seeing Obi-Wan and Adi working together and I enjoyed Dooku. I’m also pretty interested in the present day plot. Mustafar and especially Vader’s Castle itself is an interesting location, and I’m already familiar with Lina from Scott’s past work so I’m liking seeing more of her. I do enjoy a lot of Scott’s work so I’m still looking forward to what other stories this series has to tell.

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Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Kylo Ren #1

Sep 26, 2019

It's not a bad issue by any means. The art is mostly solid (though many artists seem to have trouble capturing his face sometimes) and the story works. It just feels inconsequential. Overall the Age of series has definitely had some gems, but I am glad that it's over now and we can move on to other stories. I'm hoping to get some big announcements out of NYCC! Can't wait to see what comes next.

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Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Supreme Leader Snoke #1

Sep 14, 2019

It's probably in my top five of the stories to come out of this whole maxiseries. It serves as a good example of an ideal issue for this series, encapsulating the essence of a character in a new story. The previous two issues, Poe and Hux, did similarly well. I had been getting a bit tired of the series after a year but this issue has made me intrigued to see how Taylor will handle the issue actually meant to focus on Kylo. I have high expectations for it and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.

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Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #4

Oct 25, 2020

I thought the first arc of the series was very jumbled and hard to follow until towards the end and I'm happy that this arc is starting out much simpler, I hope that it stays that way. I like how all of the current Marvel series seem to be trending towards five issue arcs instead of six, I think this helps streamline the stories a bit.Regardless of how simple or complicated the plot gets,Villanelli's artwork remains beautiful to look at. This is still probably at the bottom of my list out of the current lineup, but I'm keeping a closer eye on it now than I was before. Hopefully my opinion of it continues to improve.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #22

Oct 20, 2018

I'm looking forward to seeing where the rest of this arc goes over the next few months. Momin is making some very interesting promises to Vader that he seems certain he can keep. Judging by the previews, the final issue of Tales from Vader's Castle from IDW will be featuring the Mustafarians attacking the castle in a story and the solicitations for the next issue of this series hint at the same thing, so maybe we can expect some connectivity between the two series. Can't wait to find out!

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #24

Nov 28, 2018

Camuncoli's art is still solid in my opinion, I think it fits the series well. Overall, it was a pretty solid issue. Despite Momin's death, it doesn't feel like too much was advanced or answered. I'm still looking forward to the big finale, though I'm slightly concerned because I didn't think the ending to Soule's other ongoing, Poe Dameron, was as satisfying as it could have been. No matter what, I'm still hyped for Soule's next projects, which he seems to be especially excited about.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #24

Nov 28, 2018

Camuncoli's art is still solid in my opinion, I think it fits the series well. Overall, it was a pretty solid issue. Despite Momin's death, it doesn't feel like too much was advanced or answered. I'm still looking forward to the big finale, though I'm slightly concerned because I didn't think the ending to Soule's other ongoing, Poe Dameron, was as satisfying as it could have been. No matter what, I'm still hyped for Soule's next projects, which he seems to be especially excited about.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #25

Dec 19, 2018

It's definitely a very satisfying conclusion to the run that solidifies it as one of my favorites, if not my actual favorite, so far. I think it'll read even better when the entire series is reread from beginning to end, because it's clearly a planned out and plotted story with arcs and bookends. I'm really excited to see what Soule does next. He clearly has some other project in the works and you can see seeds for it throughout the last couple arcs of this series. Can't wait to find out!

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #2

Mar 13, 2020

Ienco's art is all around solid and engaging, I love the style of the flashbacks. The plot leaves off in an exciting place and I don't really know what to expect from the rest of this arc or the rest of the series. There's some potential for some cool tie-ins into what some other branches of publishing are doing; there was already a tease or two in this issue. I didn't expect this series to win me over but it absolutely has and I can't wait to see where it goes next.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #3

Aug 1, 2020

I am far more invested in this series than I expected to be, and I'm finding that I can't wait to see both where the next issue goes and where the series in general goes. This issue had twists and turns that I very much was not expecting and I don't know where the series could be going next in the big picture. I'm worried about some of my favorite characters whose fates are up in the air and I'm very interested to see where Pak ends up taking this series in two or three arcs from now.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #4

Aug 15, 2020

I would never have expected to say this six months ago but it's very possible, depending on how the rest of this arc and future arcs go for all of the series, that this series is my favorite out of the current Marvel Star Wars lineup. I'm very happy to be back to a weekly schedule on Star Wars comics and I'm glad there are only a few weeks until the next installment in this series. I have no idea how this story will wrap up and I'm excited to find out.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #5

Sep 18, 2020

Overall, the issue was a very satisfying conclusion to the main character arc but not as satisfying a conclusion to the plot. Maybe my feelings will change one way or the other after the rest of the run is complete and we know where the plot leads from here. Even with my somewhat mixed feelings about this issue, this arc was a very pleasant surprise compared to my initial expectations for the series, and I'm still looking forward to seeing where we go from here. The next arc looks like it will tie heavily into The Rise of Skywalker, so I'll definitely be curious to see what that's like.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #7

Nov 13, 2020

I'm a little bit tentative about how the rest of the arc will play out because I think it'll be a challenge to balance all of these different and somewhat unrelated elements from The Rise of Skywalker while telling a satisfying Vader story that fits with the direction of his character arc, but the series hasn't disappointed me yet. I'm happy to see the writer/artist team stay the same for at least the first two arcs, I think the ongoings work well when they have consistency like that. This series has been a nice surprise for me and I'm looking forward to seeing what directions the future arcs go, even if this arc doesn't end up landing perfectly for me.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #8

Dec 19, 2020

My opinion on both this issue and the arc in general will probably be decided by how the rest of the story goes. While I am starting to get a little concerned about the overall series, I have been mostly enjoying it, so I haven't completely lost faith in it yet. I'm still looking forward to seeing what happens next and hope that I enjoy it more.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #11

Apr 29, 2021

I do expect it to be a bit jarring to go right into the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover after this very big and heavy story, doubly so because I think it'll be a tough sell to integrate Vader into that storyline at all. It does seem like the series might have some interesting cards to play during the crossover, so I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. This series has definitely had its ups and downs for me but I think it still has the potential to stick the landing and create a story that's satisfying to revisit from beginning to end, just like Soule's run on the Vader comic or Gillen's run on the main one. I think it's fair to say I'm looking forward to the next issue more than I was looking forward to this one.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #14

Jul 24, 2021

I thought the tie-ins to the event had a very rough start the last couple of weeks but the perspective shift helped sell me on this angle more. I'm still going back and forth on my opinon on the series and its involvement in the crossover but if each issue wins me over a bit more, I might be in favor by the end. It seems like Sly Moore won't continue to have a large role in the next few issues and I hope that the series can find a way to keep its own plotlines from getting lost in the ever-complicating tangle of the crossover. I'm still interested enough to see where this goes, and hopefully my opinion continues moving uphill.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #15

Aug 29, 2021

I've been going between hot and cold on the series for a little while now but if future issues can be as enjoyable as this one was, I'll be more forgiving to some of the stuff I didn't enjoy as much. Because this ended up feeling like more of a bottle episode, it's hard to say how the rest of this story may go. This series has covered a lot of important events already in fifteen issues, and while I don't think it's always managed to completely stick the landing, I'm still looking forward to seeing what happens next.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #16

Sep 17, 2021

Some repetitive moments from other issues of the crossover can get a little tiring for those keeping up with everything, but overall this was a pretty solid installment in the stories of both the crossover and the series. We draw closer and closer to the end of this crossover and I'm looking forwarrd to seeing the impact it has on the rest of this run. This series has had its ups and downs for me but if it can maintain this pace and tone, I think it could end up as a well-regarded chapter in the life of Darth Vader.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #25

Oct 24, 2018

The ending of this issue sold me on the entire arc and made me appreciate it more. It was good, especially after this issue, but the ending really elevated it in more ways than one. After the ending I went back to read the earlier issues in this arc, there’s some excellent foreshadowing that helps the twist not feel like it’s out of nowhere. I’m more excited for this series than I’ve ever been,I cannot wait to see where the next arc goes now because the ending of this issue set up some really interesting ideas for the future.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #26

Nov 14, 2018

Overall, it’s a pretty solid issue and a fun start to what I presume will be a great arc. It’s moving at a pretty fast pace and while I have a couple guesses about where the story will go, I’m certain that it will end up surprising me just like the last arc did. I’m really looking forward to finding out!

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #27

Dec 12, 2018

The art continues to be great. I’m still glad to have Laiso back after he was replaced for The Catastrophe Con. Overall, it’s a good installment in this story. The ending initially wasn’t a huge surprise to me but then they threw in another thing I wasn’t expecting that makes me even more excited to see where this goes next. Can’t wait to find out!

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #28

Feb 27, 2019

The character work continues to be great. For once it's Triple Zero's sentimentality that gets the duo into trouble, not Aphra's. Seeing the public relations department of the Empire was a fun turn I wasn't expecting, and it's interesting to see how they handle planets like Milvayne that have a relatively low Imperial presence.The art is as great as it always is, I hope that Laiso stays with the series for the long haul. His style really fits and the series demonstrably isn't quite the same without him.I don't have much else to say about this issue. It was enjoyable, no huge events to note yet.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #30

Mar 28, 2019

Overall, it’s a pretty solid installment in what has been a pretty great arc. The issue leaves us on a big cliffhanger and I’m looking forward to see what ramifications the next issue will have for the characters and for the series as a whole.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #31

Apr 25, 2019

This arc is most likely my favorite of the series so far, but I'll have to ensure that I do enjoy it as much as I'm expecting as a trade before I decide that for sure. I'm very much looking forward to seeing where the series goes next.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #32

May 9, 2019

Overall, this issue wasn't too full of surprises and doesn't have too much more to talk about but it is a promising start to a promising arc. Can't wait to read more!

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #33

Jun 20, 2019

This arc is proving to be even more interesting than I expected.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #36

Sep 21, 2019

Overall it was a solid arc and a good penultimate story for the long running series, if it is coming to a close like all the signs point towards. This issue has a hell of a cliffhangar and I can't think of a more fitting way for the series to end. The shortened issue count worked well for this arc and I'm glad the next arc will be sticking with it. I'm going to miss this series when it's over but it's had a good run and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next, both for publishing and for the charcaters themselves.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #37

Oct 3, 2019

I've been enjoying this series every arc since it started, even more since Spurrier took over the series, and I'm going to be sad to see it end. It's funny because initially I thought this was a good place for the series to wrap up, but the more I think about it the more I remember different characters and plots that I'm sad we won't get more of. I hope we get to see the character and get stories with her for years to come, maybe set in other time periods. No matter what, I'm very excited to see where this arc goes.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #4

Oct 4, 2020

Back when the last run on the series was starting to wrap up, I wondered if another new run from scratch was the best choice going forward, but now I'm pretty confident that it was. The writing for this run is stronger than ever and I think the character is more than capable of supporting many more stories for years to come.

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Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #1

Apr 25, 2019

Overall the issue introduces some really interesting threads and ideas that I can't wait to see explored more both here and elsewhere, but suffers because of an unengaging flashback story. I almost wish the series was set entirely in the present. Part of me suspects the flashbacks are here because they aren't ready to dedicate that much time to exploring Black Spire Outpost in this time period yet until after the park opens.

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Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #2

May 23, 2019

I would say that this is a good example of an anthology story done right. A lot of the times the stories can come across as rushed or unimportant because they have a much smaller page count than a miniseries or ongoing but this was an engaging story that felt full and satisfying.

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Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #4

Aug 1, 2019

It's kind of ironic that my initial expectation has been reversed: I think I'm actually enjoying the flashback stories more than the framing story now.

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Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple #1

Sep 5, 2019

This was the first canon Star Wars work for both Rosenberg and it's not a bad beginning. I enjoyed his Legends comic a little while back and if the rest of this series stays consistent, I'd love to see him get more. Villanelli has now been developing a backlog of good Star Wars comic art and I'm glad to see him get more work. I'm excited to see more of what they come up with for this series!

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Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple #4

Nov 16, 2019

After playing the game it's also easier to see why this story was decided upon. At first it seemed to me like outside the two principle characters it didn't have much to do with the events of the game but now, without any spoilers, I have some guesses about how the next issue will dovetail into some concepts from the game, which is a little exciting. For the first time in a while, I'm actively looking forward to reading the next issue.

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Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Jan 6, 2021

Overall I thought this was a fantastic start to an exciting new initiative. If the rest of the series is anything like this issue, it'll definitely be my favorite of the current Star Wars comics and it might end up ranking high on my favorites of all time. The month-long waits between issues has never felt longer because I can't wait to see where this series goes from here.

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Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #2

Feb 4, 2021

I honestly don't think I can sing this series's praises enough. I think it's exactly what Star Wars needs right now. I hope that it continues for a good long time and doesn't stop impressing me. I can't wait to see where it goes next!

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Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #3

Mar 7, 2021

This seies is definitely a must-read fo all fans of Star Wars comics. The wider Marvel slate is already looking pretty decent so far and this series still manages to shine above the rest. I'm really looking forward to following it for the rest of its hopefuly long run and I hope that it can keep up this level of quality the whole way.

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Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #4

Apr 10, 2021

The series has predictably cooled down a little for me after the excitement and newness of the first couple issues, but I'm happy to say I'm still enjoying it as it becomes more familiar. I can't say the same about every Star Wars series, and I'm happy that this big experiment for Star Wars publishing has been going well. I can't wait to see how this arc concludes, and the solicits are making the next arc look very interesting.

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Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #8

Aug 13, 2021

Overall, this was a fun, spectacle-filled issue and a must read for anyone interested in following the High Republic era. I have let to be fully let down by a story from this initiative and this comic remains one of my favorites. The issue's cliffhangar of an ending gives us some exciting setup for the fallout the next arc will be dealing with. I'm here for the long haul with the story of Keeve Trennis and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

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Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #10

Oct 22, 2021

I really enjoyed this issue and the cliffhanger has me very invested in seeing what happens next. I'm happy with the fast pace the series keeps; I know it might feel like it doesn't have enough breathing room at times but I think it's found a nice balance and this arc seems like it's going to give everything the amount of attention it deserves by the end. We're getting close to the finale of this story's first phase, leaving me both excited and nervous, but I'm confident this team won't let me down.

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Star Wars: Tie Fighter #1

Apr 18, 2019

It's primarily character introduction and it's well executed character introduction. The characters don't feel stale and I'm looking forward to seeing them develop more. I've already started to develop theories about how different ones will wind up. Now I'm just looking forward to seeing the plot develop more!

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Star Wars: Tie Fighter #2

May 16, 2019

Overall it's a solid second installment in a promising miniseries. I look forward to seeing it develop further and I look forward to seeing how Alphabet Squadron interwines with it shortly.

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Star Wars: Tie Fighter #3

Jun 20, 2019

I really like Antnio's art, I hope he gets more Star Wars work after this miniseries. Unlike how I felt after the previous issue, I have no idea where the story is going to go now and I'm really enjoying it. I hope we'll see more connections to Alphabet Squadron like Keize's appearance here. Either way, I can't wait to read more.

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Star Wars: Tie Fighter #5

Aug 23, 2019

I still enjoyed the series a decent amount. The art is always on point and I care about most of the characters, which is still something I probably wouldn't have expected before the first issue. The ending of the main section of the issue does establish an interesting playground for the future and I'm looking forward to seeing more from this series, assuming it does get more.

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Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Alpha #1

May 6, 2021

Overall, it wasn't a bad way to start the crossover. I still had my criticisms of this issue and I'm still wary about how the rest of the event might go but it has earned my attention. I think there's the potential for some really good stories to come out of this and I hope those are fully explored. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing where the next part of this story goes.

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