Star Wars #13

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Ramon Rosanas Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 12, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 13
8.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

•  CHEWBACCA has heard from an old friend with intelligence on the location of notorious bounty hunter BOBA FETT, known to be in possession of HAN SOLO.
•  Along with LUKE SKYWALKER, the loyal Wookiee sets off in search of his lost friend, on an adventure to Nar Shadaa... the SMUGGLER'S MOON!
•  But will this mission prevent plucky astromech droid ARTOO DETOO from passing along a crucial message to Luke, one that will affect the fate of the entire Jedi Order...?
Rated T

  • 10
    Impulse Gamer - Tim Chuma May 14, 2021

    I am still waiting to see what they are going to do with Dr Aphra and Darth Vader in this series, but surely they cant all be going to the same places? Considering where Dr Aphra was in her story it will take her a while to get there and Darth Vader is outside the galaxy at the moment so that is out. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen May 15, 2021

    Overall. Charles Soule does a solid job of setting the story up. The question is. Will Luke and Chewie catch up with Boba Fett? Will they meet Valance along the way? We don't know, but it sure is going to be fun finding out. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally May 12, 2021

    Rosanas nails it with the art in this issue. Everything from the characters to the action is beautifully done and visually engaging. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 18, 2021

    While just a light tie-in to the storyline itself, what it does is set us up for what's to come next in it with the return to the Rebellion while also fleshing out a few more areas to dig into. The time on Smuggler's Moon is decent and I like the Kanji bit once again because this is an area that really needs to be given a lot more time in general to feel authentic, which can allow for a nice tie-in with The Force Awakens eventually. But I liked the nods to Solo here and just seeing how Luke is growing as someone attuned to the Force and being taught pieces of what it is to be a Jedi. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - glimmer0415 May 12, 2021

    This issue does not answer questions that were raised in the previous issue. Instead, it adds even more questions. Whats going on with Shara Bey, as she hides away in the Imperial Star Destroyer? Where is Boba Fett? How far has Hans condition deteriorated? These are all questions that are not addressed. However, Im sure we will get the answers to these questions in the upcoming War of the Bounty Hunters crossover " just not yet! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Adrian Ruiz May 16, 2021

    Overall, Star Wars #13 does its job as the prelude for this War of the Bounty Hunters event. Readers have a jumping-off point for how the initial search for Han Solo begins while reintroducing characters like Sagwa back into the fold. Personally, Star Wars #13doesn't make me any more or less excited about the event. Recent issues of the series have been focused on some lesser fleshed-out characters. The addition of Luke into this story seemed more akin to setting up future issues of the series with his quest to understand the Force and Jedi more. I hope to see more of Chewbacca leading the charge in future issues in this event, especially with the addition of characters like Sagwa. Coupled with Leia's story about Solo in Star Wars #12,it is clear why there would be such a massive effort to save the former smuggler. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh May 12, 2021

    While we won't expect major ramifications for this new storyline, we can't wait for the fun that's being established in this title-spanning event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller May 14, 2021

    Or how we get to the bit where it all goes to the bit where it all goes. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Comic Watch - John Edward Lee May 12, 2021

    As standalone as this issue felt, there is a high probability that some of what happened in this issue will come back later on in either this series specifically or elsewhere in The War of the Bounty Hunters event. The cover art for the next issue teases a Lando adventure. When last he was seen, he was contemplating selling out the Rebellion. What will he do? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - NumidianPrime May 13, 2021

    This crossover hasn't bought my full confidence yet and I think whether it will end up working in this series' favor or not remains to be seen, but this issue slots into both the series and the greater picture fairly well. It definitely doesn't reach some of the highs the series has reached in the past but it didn't let me down either, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else the crossover has in store for these characters. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp May 20, 2021

    There's nothing in the prelude that you'll miss by skipping the issue, just the characters getting into (and then out of) trouble. Just by asking some questions, the group quickly earns the wrong kind of attention (especially after Luke reveals himself to be a Jedi) and soon find themselves running from an entire moon of bounty hunters and killers. Read Full Review

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