• The notorious bounty hunter BOBA FETT has finally landed his greatest prize - HAN SOLO, frozen in carbonite for easy transport.
• Fett will bring the smuggler to TATOOINE to collect the massive bounty placed on Solo's head by the fearsome crime lord JABBA THE HUTT.
• Sounds easy. What could go wrong?
Rated T
I would recommend this one to people who even only have a passing interest in Star Wars and only saw the Mandalorian and enjoyed it and wanted to go into more of the universe. Read Full Review
This is a massive opening salvo to what promises to be the biggest bounty hunter focused story we have ever seen. Every fan of Star Wars and The Mandalorian series needs to check out just how great Star Wars comics can get. Read Full Review
This is the way you want your summer mega-events to begin: a compelling story, engaging art, and a first shot that leaves you counting down the days until the next chapter. The gauntlet of the summer HAS BEEN THROWN!!! Read Full Review
A blast of an issue that manages to adhere to the main plot of the original Star Wars films while offering a kickass new tale with plenty of fan service and action. A surefire hit for any Star Wars fan. Read Full Review
If you're interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon. Read Full Review
This is an interesting and exciting jumping point for a series focusing on Boba Fett. The creative team has represented this fan-favorite character wonderfully between the dialogue and art. Im interested in seeing just where this adventure leads. Read Full Review
As a long time fan of Star Wars, Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha is exactly the type of story I want to read. It expands upon the world we know adding to it and not discounting what has come before. It's additive. It's also a hell of a lot of fun with great action and humor with some fantastic pacing. Though it looks like this crossover event is pretty expansive, if it keeps up this quality, I'm going to wish it was even longer. Read Full Review
An excellent first issue that demands you read on to find out what happens next. Read Full Review
This book is a must-read for Fett fans, and hopefully is just a taste of what's in store for fans in the "War of the Bounty Hunters." Read Full Review
The War of the Bounty Hunters is underway, and while this prelude felt rushed to get to the cliffhanger, I had fun with it. The art was great, and after reading it, I am excited about the crossover event. Read Full Review
Boba Fett proves to be a great point of view protagonist but I'm unsure about this event as a whole. Read Full Review
Overall, it wasn't a bad way to start the crossover. I still had my criticisms of this issue and I'm still wary about how the rest of the event might go but it has earned my attention. I think there's the potential for some really good stories to come out of this and I hope those are fully explored. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing where the next part of this story goes. Read Full Review
Look, sometimes you just want a bounty hunter to stab another bounty hunter. It's not complicated. Read Full Review