Star Wars #70

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Phil Noto Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 7, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 8
8.1Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

•  With the fate of the Rebellion at stake, our heroes scramble to set their decoys and traps to protect THE REBEL FLEET. But everyone's plan suddenly becomes more complicated.
•  What can a frontier cardsharp teach Luke about THE FORCE? What are HAN and LEIA doing in the Lanz Carpo honeymoon suite?
•  And which utterly iconic STAR WARS villain finally takes notice as CHEWIE and THREEPIO tangle with the rock monsters of Planet K43?
Rated T

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Aug 12, 2019

    Three different groups are in peril and things are going to get worse after the reveal on the final page. This is exciting, funny, character driven, and gorgeous to look at. Star Wars comics do not get any better than this. Highest possible recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - olddeserthymnal Aug 7, 2019

    This issue continues the strong start and deploys a neat three-section model for the further story progression we get here. Coupled with the great Noto art, the Pak story is now set up well for the thrust forward in the closing installments. So far this arc has been one of the strongest within the 70 issues to date, and I look forward to watching its progress over the remaining installments. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 7, 2019

    When it comes to Star Wars comics it all comes down to character writing and clever plotting. This issue has it in droves. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 13, 2019

    Star Wars under Greg Pak's tenure is off to a good start and I'm enjoying this opening storyline even if it does feel a little decompressed and strangely low-stakes even with all that's going on. While a third of the story just isn't doing much for me at the moment, the other two are and they're pretty engaging. I'm not surprised that we're leaning into a bigger bad by the end here because everyone wants to write him but it's at least part of the larger narrative and it fits in naturally. It's a solid story so far that I suspect will read better when it's all done and can be read in one sitting, but it's also strong enough on the irregular basis we get. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh Aug 7, 2019

    Luke's journey was the standout storyline in this issue, reminding us that, at this point in his story, he is still desperate to learn as much as he can about the Force, even if it means taking advice from possible criminals. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - NumidianPrime Aug 9, 2019

    Phil Noto's art is as great as it always is, I'm still very happy that he's taken over the series. Other than that I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next, even if I'm admittedly not quite as excited as I was when the arc started. This is one that I'd probably recommend to people, but not until after it's already come out in trade. Still, I'm enjoying it and I'm excited to see where the plot goes! Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Comic Watch - John Edward Lee Aug 13, 2019

    As lackluster as these past two issues have been, they follow many classic elements of typical Star Wars adventures. This arc feels a lot like the old 70's/80's Star Wars comics by having three separate stories play out simultaneously, unfortunately so far to its detriment. Hopefully all the set up will have a payoff now that all players are in a place for more galactic conflict among the stars. Read Full Review

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