• But they are not the only people who have come to the remote world of JEKARA seeking the smuggler. DARTH VADER, JABBA THE HUTT and more are in the mix as well... Jedi LUKE SKYWALKER may be the Rebels' only hope...
• ...but WHERE is he?
Rated T
Overall. It was a really fun and enjoyable read. I look forward to seeing what happens next. Read Full Review
Star Wars #16 is the issue I've been waiting for. In my opinion, this is the real start to the "Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover that will send this story into hyperspeed! Again, it must be stated that it needs to be read with its companion " "Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3 for maximum appreciation. Obviously, it's not a starting point for new readers. I'm excited to see where this storyline goes in the remaining issues, as we draw closer to the time of Star Wars: Episode VI "Return of the Jedi." This is a "must-have" for Star Wars fans. Read Full Review
Star Wars 1Star Wars 2 CoverStar Wars 3Star Wars 4Star Wars 5Star Wars 6 CoverStar Wars 7 Cover & TM Lucasfilm LTDStar Wars 8 CoverStar Wars Issue 9 Cover & TM Lucasfilm LTDStar Wars 10 Cover & TM Lucasfilm LTDStar Wars 11 CoverPrev1of11Next Read Full Review
Luke has been badly shaken by the events of the last few months, but there is no way he is going to let his friends stay in danger. He decides a fresh approach is needed. While he figures out his next move, Darth Vader awaits him. Read Full Review
Star Wars #16 helps us understand the great fear Luke is under after losing his hand and his pride in The Empire Strikes Back. The event as a whole doesn't have a fast enough pace, but for this issue you get inside his head and can relate to our favorite Jedi in the galaxy. Read Full Review
While this isn't my favorite issue of the series so far, it didn't let me down, and I'm very much anticipating the climactic moments that the next couple of issues will bring. Read Full Review
Considering everything that happens over in the War of the Bounty Hunters story you should be reading that one instead and maybe have a look in the next issue to see if they actually add more to the story. Read Full Review
Luckily, the art from Ramon Rosanas and colors from Rachelle Rosenberg beautifully capture some iconic sequences from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, managing to recreate the mood of these encounters if not being photorealistic recreations, so while the story leaves some room for improvement, even without many storyline reveals, it's a gorgeous book to look at. Read Full Review