LANDO and his allies defeated! MON MOTHMA faces a painful loss! LUKE SKYWALKER must defeat two of the galaxy's deadliest killers to reach his friends! MOFF ADELHARD plays a final card against the New Republic - with shocking consequences!
Rated T
This latest issue does an excellent job of tying together several plot threads, giving us a clearer view of the various players as events begin to spiral. Toward the end of the book, Adelhard is stunned to discover a planned betrayal by his lover, who happens to be a member of the Acolytes. On top of that, we're treated to a fantastic cliffhanger where another bounty hunter makes their entrance, clearly on a mission of their own. Read Full Review
This issue continues the run the series has been having of not feeling overly important, and just another slow burn build to a conclusion we're already aware of. If you've kept up with the series, you'll want to read it. But if you're thinking about jumping in, than I would suggest waiting because this series thus far has not fell very high on the MUST READ list. But it's still an enjoyable read. Read Full Review