Star Wars: Darth Vader #6

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Raffaele Ienco Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 14, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 18
8.2Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

•  DARTH VADER failed to turn his son, Luke Skywalker, to the dark side of the Force.
•  No...Luke was too weak to join his father in overthrowing EMPEROR PALPATINE.
•  Vader sought revenge against those who hid Luke from him for all of these years...
and in doing so nearly betrayed his master.
•  It did not go unnoticed by Palpatine... time for Vader's next lesson.
Rated T

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Adrian Oct 14, 2020

    Ultimately, Star Wars: Darth Vader #6 succeeds in piquing my interest in this new arc in the series. The previous five issues have seen Darth Vader absolutely run over everyone and everything in his path from a sando aqua monster to an entire faction of Amidala loyalists. By the end of Star Wars: Darth Vader #6, he is broken and completely overmatched by his master's cruelty and power. It is difficult to imagine Darth Vader struggling in any capacity, however, this team has really given the Dark Lord of the Sith an uphill battle to climb lest he incurs the wrath of Darth Sidious again. I cannot wait to see what the Emperor has in store for his mechanized apprentice in the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Oct 20, 2020

    The Darth Vader series in general since Marvel got the rights to do them have been strong and I've really enjoyed Greg Pak's take here as we continue to move through the post-ESB era. The return to Coruscant presents Vader as someone that has strayed far from his mission and needs to be taught proper once again, which is going to make for some interesting things that will likely come to the surface and have to be fought against. Pak digs well into the characters and the larger universe and Ienco has been a fabulous artist so far, making me glad he's continuing on beyond the sixth issue as we don't always get that. This is definitely a must-read series for fans. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Comic Watch - John Edward Lee Oct 14, 2020

    Vader is left in a dire position to fend for himself as he really is; without the armor, lightsaber, or The Force. He is a limbless ball of writhing pain, regret, and wrath. This is the stuff Sith legends are born from. What cybernetic phoenix will rise from these still burning embers? A reforged Sith weapon of destruction for sure, but perhaps one with a small spark of vengeance towards his cruel master as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh Oct 14, 2020

    For as emotionally engaging as Vader's previous story was, we expect this one to be even darker, potentially bringing with it a taste of what Vader ultimately does to his "master" in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Bleeding Cool - Hannibal Tabu Oct 15, 2020

    Hey, wanna see Vader get played like a chump again? Boy howdy, is this the book for you! Read Full Review

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