Enchantress and her Keep run riot…and no one stirs to stop them! And if that's not enough…who dares stop the Deconsecrator! How can the Nine Realms escape a nightmare with no end?
So, we say goodbye to Don Blake. Man, this is getting to be way too many goodbyes in the Thor books. Read Full Review
Aside from the treatment of Blake, this arc won't really have any lasting ramifications on the Thor mythos. But surely the upcoming crossover with Journey Into Mystery will provide all the epic drama readers crave. If overly drawn out, these recent issues have proven to be a fun and heartfelt little diversion for the characters. Read Full Review
I really enjoyed this issue as it brings a close to the Mare threat. I hope Fraction is done with Donald Blake because if I were Marvel I would never use Donald Blake again. Enchantress and the Mares were great villains and it was fun to see Thor beat them