The Order #1
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The Order #1

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Barry Kitson Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 7
7.1Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Jul 15, 2007

    Despite a couple of head-scratching points, this was a thoroughly enjoyable first issue that has left me wanting more from Fractions Order. I hope the new team members will surprise me, but right now Im just happy to have a real speedster back in the Marvel Universe! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Jul 15, 2007

    Overall, a very enjoyable read that has the chance to really grow. Of course, it can drop just as quickly, but Fraction has the tools in place to have a top 20 book here. Lets see if he can keep it up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Jul 15, 2007

    This is an excellent start to the continuation of the Initiative. While I do fear that this series will have a very high body count, I think that the core team involved will be in it for the long haul. An interesting aspect of this series is that these people are celebrities-turned superheroes and should make for a few ego-clashes. There also appears to be another government agency involved in the Initiative that seems to be the anti-S.H.I.E.L.D. This series is off to a fantastic start in terms of creative team and premise. I hope that the future Marvel: Initiative team books live up to this one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jul 15, 2007

    I really didnt expect to enjoy this issue as much as I did. The amount of new material that Marvel has put out in the six months since Civil War ended is intimidating, and even if theres a sense that the publisher should be congratulated for pushing so many new concepts and creative teams rather than relying on the same old standards month-in and month-out, theres also a real risk of reader exhaustion and overkill. However, this first issue of The Order has managed to convince me of two things: firstly, that the post-Civil War landscape of the Marvel Universe can be made as interesting and relevant as the concept always had the potential to be; and secondly, that the 50-State-Initiative can be more than just a throwaway big idea, developing beyond the vague roots of Mark Millars original conception to show the potential to support a completely new title. Kitsons art makes the package look great, and Fractions clever insights into the media-driven, celebrity-ridden world in w Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 22, 2007

    One problem with the book is that despite its connection to Civil War and the "Initiative" brand, it ignores some basic tenets of Marvel continuity at the moment. Whereas elsewhere we see existing superhumans being recruited or trained for various Avengers teams, the Order is made up of designer heroes. The characters' powers are given to them. If this book weren't attached to the Marvel Universe, there wouldn't be a problem, but in the Marvel context, it makes no sense. If the government had the ability to create its own superhumans as readily as it does in this story, there would be no need to recruit and train those who already have powers. Instead, the goal would be to shut down existing heroes through legal means or force and then replace them. With any luck, the Order will exist in its own corner of the Marvel Universe (as Fraction, Ed Brubaker and David Aja's The Immortal Iron Fist is), untouched by events in other titles. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jul 23, 2007

    The Order #1 was a pedestrian read. It was solidly average and failed to hook my interest. Kitson's artwork was very well done. Fraction gives us a storyline that will definitely appeal to readers who like military style government run super teams. I'm sure that this title will have plenty of fighting each and every issue. Personally, I'll be giving this title a pass. There are too many other well done comic books out on the market and I only have but so much cash. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton Jul 15, 2007

    The Order is a twist on the standard superhero team, no doubt about it. However, poor characterization and rather weak storytelling drags down some great art and kills the potential in the book. Frankly, I just cant stay interested in what is basically superhero American Idol. Read Full Review

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