Ultimate X-Men #36

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 7
6.0Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

BLOCKBUSTER PART 3 Scarred and bloodied after a surprise attack in Hell's Kitchen, Wolverine comes to and finds himself confronted by a new face -- Daredevil, the Man Without Fear!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 27, 2003

    How can one not enjoy an issue that answers the question of can bullets made of adamantium piece an adamantium coated skull? I mean this is pretty much one extended action sequence, and based upon the cliffhanger finish I seriously doubt we can expect anything different in the next chapter. Still, while X-Men fans might be a bit put off by the decided lack of X-Men outside of Wolverine, this arc is providing a whirlwind tour of the Ultimate Universe, as we have a steady parade of guest-heroes, and given the Ultimate X-Men had been a rather insular title outside of the recent crossover with the Ultimates, I'm having a lot of fun with this arc's rather sweeping feel. Plus, given the main plot involves Wolverine being hunted by a group looking to kill him, X-fans should be taking a vested interest in this arc. I was a bit disappointed that Spider-Man has essentially left the story though, as I would've liked to have seen him have a second meeting with Daredevil, thanks largely to the rath Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Aug 25, 2003

    Add all that to some sub par dialogue, including an annoyingly whiny villain, and you get a disappointing issue of a normally outstanding book. I still want to see all of the above questions answered and I want to see our heroes get out of this jam, especially since Daredevil is one of my favorite characters, but a fourth issue without another X-Man would serve to weaken my enthusiasm for this storyline. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Aug 18, 2003

    So what else can I say about this? It's not horrible, but there just isn't much here. I can see readers coming back for the characters and Mr. Bendis' writing, but there's little substance or innovation, just substantial execution and artwork. Read Full Review

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