Taro tries to stop Galactus in LAND OF LIGHT, the world of Ultraman and all the Ultras. But Galactus defeats him and begins to absorb the energy of this planet.
Captain Marvel, Shin/Ultra, Captain America, Miles Morales, Spider-man, Iron Man and Kiki meet with the Father of the Ultras, who asks them not to intervene, that Galactus' feeding cycle means the birth of other worlds, but Shin makes it clear that the Ultras are an important race in their galaxy that help millions of species, so they must save them.
The Avengers and Ultraman confront Galactus in LAND OF LIGHT where Sam and Wasp designed a plan where they made Captain America's shield grow and Ultraman could use it and thus they defeated Galactus. Galactus is not defeated, but Taro offers him the Ultra Key, a key with enough energy to feed him for a time if and only if he returns to his universe with the Avengers.
The battle sequence between Galactus vs Ultraman, Mechas and Avengers is spectacular, just for these pages it is worth having this comic as a collector's treasure.
This crossover perfectly closes this story that maintains the continuity of the events that occurred in the ULTRAMAN: THE MYSTERY OF ULTRASEVEN saga and mixes them with the Marvel universe perfectly, with a balance of kaijus/mechas with superheroes.
It is mesmerizing with battle sequences on different scales where they manage to share the tone of Avengers with that of Ultraman.
The Avengers and Ultraman fight against Galactus and use a spectacular secret weapon.
Closing of this great and exciting crossover more