Uncanny X-Men #427

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Steve Kim, Morales Publisher: Marvel Comics Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
4.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

As Husk, Jubilee, and Archangel pay their respects at Skin's grave, the cemetery workers prepare to enact an unscrupulous plot.

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 16, 2003

    I truly don't understand what others see in Chuck Austen's writing as it's simply not entertaining enough to have me willing to overlook the underlying flaws. I mean I'll give him credit for coming up with an interesting angle on mutant hatred, but the simple fact of the matter is that he does precious little with the idea after he introduces it, and in the end the message this story sends is that when push comes to shove, when the X-Men are confronted with something truly reprehensible their response is to get involved in a pointless fight that accomplishes little more than allow for a little chest beating, heroic posturing. As for the fight itself the actions of the person attacking Paige are so poorly motivated that one has to look upon the man as a dangerous lunatic. The other plot running through this issue has Warren curing sick children, which would've been a perfectly fine display of his new power, had it not been for a very awkward attempt to link the two plots together in the Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jul 4, 2003

    Mr. Austen still hasn't proved he can write X-Men stories. Unless you're a completist, or simply like Mr. Austen's style, than most likely you'll be sorry you wasted your money. This would have been better as an eight page backup, if Mr. Austen could actually accomplish that. I still don't get why Marvel allows these uninspired stores into this book. Read Full Review

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