Uncanny X-Men #426

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Philip Tan Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
5.0Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

Polaris rampages through the school as her wedding falls apart. Will Havok survive his wedding day?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jun 20, 2003

    Oh and by the way, I still don't retract my last review. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 3, 2003

    I realize that I sound like I'm going into these issues looking for something to whine about, but the fact is that I'm more than willing to give Chuck Austen an opportunity to surprise me with the flash of brilliance that has secured him the position as writer of half a dozen titles. However, as much as I want to ignore the clunky writing, the tin ear, angst ridden dialogue & the awkward character usage, and simply enjoy this issue as a harmless exercise whose sole purpose is to provide an entertaining romp, I find I simply can't pull it off. Lorna is used as a poor man's Magneto, and Chuck Austen can't even get this portrayal correct, as he also wants to sell the character as a jilted lover whose feelings were hurt by the crass treatment she received. Then there's the explanation for why Alex & Annie are so deeply in love with each other, in which Chuck Austen displays the uncanny ability to ignore plot details that he himself introduced. The abrupt, Monty Python style ending to the f Read Full Review

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