Wolverine #48

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Marc Guggenheim Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 22, 2006 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Logan's survived a plane crash, near-decapitation and being burned alive. The question is... HOW? In this epilogue to Civil War tie-in arc, the answers start to unfold. Logan's newest mystery begins here.

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Nov 27, 2006

    This is an interesting, low-key cap for a run which has been all about action and spectacle. Just as Mark Millar did with his stint on the book, Guggenheim has left us with a final issue which is more thoughtful and open to interpretation than the rest of his output, and it'll be interesting to see whether he builds on this particular issue when he returns to the book after the next creative team has taken their shot at the character. Don't buy this issue expecting a breakdown of exactly how and why Wolverine survived the wringer that Guggenheim put him through during "Vendetta," and don't expect the loose ends of that arc to be tied up; this is very much an issue about the psychological toll that regeneration takes on Logan, and whilst it's an interesting take on Wolvie's tortured soul, it's not particularly fresh or innovative and doesn't say a lot that's new about the character. Read Full Review

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