Wolverine vs. Murderous Lion in a no-holds barred Kung-Fu throwdown! Martial arts, super science, and sorcery--Melita uncovers the secrets of the Covenant. Who is the Dreaming Maiden... and why does the mysterious Covenant want her dead? Martial arts, super science, and sorcery--Melita uncovers the secrets of the Covenant. Who is the Dreaming Maiden... and why does the mysterious Covenant want her dead?
Paul Pelletier rounds out a solid storyline with his visuals. Pelletier's work is a bit more loose and frenetic than it was on the previous arc, but that doesn't necessarily go against the grain of the story. This collaboration is proving enjoyable enough that I'm beginning to wonder why Bunn and Pelletier weren't simply given the keys to a new Wolverine ongoing for Marvel NOW! Read Full Review
Decent but this series is much different than what it was with Jason Aaron