X-Factor #28

Writer: Peter David Artist: Pablo Raimondi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 13, 2008 Critic Reviews: 5
8.0Critic Rating
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THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN PART 1 Jamie is a basketcase from his trip to a nightmarish future, Layla's fate is completely in the air, and Wolfsbane has to leave the team to join X-FORCE, though none of her friends can know about it.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Christopher Power Feb 15, 2008

    After what was an anticlimactic end to the "Messiah CompleX", Peter David and his team keep everything fresh and moving forward in the not-so-brand-new-world that the mutants are in. Well done all. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Feb 15, 2008

    Tangent aside, Peter David's dialogue is fun, as always, and you can tell he loves writing Strong Guy. Pablo Raimondi's art is outstanding. His painstakingly detailed backdrops (especially Mutant Town), are beautiful and well complimented by Jeremy Cox's colors. And as much as I hate pop cultural references in my comics, there's a scene involving an iPhone that's hilarious! This is how an X-Book is done. Way to go, guys. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steven M. Bari Feb 19, 2008

    Best X-title youll read this month! Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Bryan Joel Feb 13, 2008

    X-Factor is still one of the stronger X-books out right now, but this issue, along with last week's issue of Uncanny X-Men, serves to show that the "Divided We Stand" tie-ins don't really mean a whole lot besides indicating that the cast participated in "Messiah Complex" last month. Still, there are some nice character moments to be found here and, at the very least, it's a bit of a step up from lame recent concepts like the Isolationist. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 13, 2008

    I'm not sure this was quite up to par for the typical XFactor issue. Compared to the usual Must Read XFactor, this one falls short, but it's still better than most books that come out, so definitely worth checking out. Read Full Review

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