X-Men: Endangered Species #1
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X-Men: Endangered Species #1

Writer: Mike Carey Artist: Scot Eaton Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 20, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
6.2Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew McLean Jun 17, 2007

    With this strong start Endangered Species promises to be a more cerebral story than your average super-powered fare. If the team behind it manages to keep this up, it raises the question, how can they deliver the usual rock em, sock em adventures that many readers demand? If these two elements are successfully combined, then Endangered Species could be an adventure that most will enjoy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Jun 25, 2007

    Scot Eatons art is fairly good, although he seems to have problems in a few areas. First off, he cant convey emotion very well, sometimes characters look like they are actually smiling at the funeral, besides Emma Frost, who is supposed to be. Also, the youngest members and some of the oldest members all look to be the same age as Cyclops. Finally, Emma Frost does not know how to dress for a funeral, being shown in fishnet stockings and a miniskirt. All of that aside, Eaton is a very talented artist, I just believe his artwork would be better appreciated somewhere else. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Jun 17, 2007

    Frankly, this comic doesnt stand up to some of the series immediately following M-Day such as Son of M, or Generation X, and maybe thats why Marvel has relegated it to one massive backup story in all its X-titles starting with X-Men #200. Ill have to survey follow-up issues to see if it can hold my interest long-term. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jun 17, 2007

    Endangered Species, then, isnt a badly written or illustrated comic book; its just a pretty dull and uneventful one which acts as a decent enough summary of where the mutant community stands in current Marvel continuity but simply doesnt do enough to make me interested in buying into the main event. If youre an X-Men fan already, youll probably be interested in picking this up to see where the teams big event is headed, but most other readers will probably find this to be a little empty and unsatisfying. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Jun 17, 2007

    I was hoping this issue would set things up for this falls mutant extravaganza, but all it actually does is recap the current post-Decimation situation. Whilst Mike Carey has written some good stuff over in X-Men, this falls rather flat, though I suspect most of it is editorially driven. All in all, its not bad per se but is hardly what you need to get you excited about the upcoming event. Read Full Review

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