Kick-Ass #6

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Icon Release Date: April 22, 2009 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 10
7.8Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

This is itthe moment Dave Lizewski has spent his whole brief career as KICK-ASS preparing for. When the chips are down, when everythings at stakewhose ass will be kicked? KICK-ASS origin story unfolds as the smash hit super hero comic of 2008by legends MARK MILLAR and JOHN ROMITA JR.continues! Mature $2.99

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chris Smits Apr 28, 2009

    I'm officially entertained as hell with this book. I thought that it's been good, and even though I originally thought that it wasn't exactly taking any risks with the tried and true formula of giving comic dorks some swearing and violence, Millar is still making it a solidly entertaining story. Is it a guilty pleasure? Somewhat, but the quality is still higher than most books that try to follow that formula. Millar and Romita Jr. are working in perfect bloody tandem while still delivering characters that are just fun to read. Very impressed with the fact that this serves as an origin story and yet doesn't take a time-out to do so. The main storyline goes straight on ahead and even throws in some major predicaments for our awkward young hero, including an ending that had the phrase "Oh shit!" going through my head. I'm giving this an A for simply being great entertainment and the fact that John Romita Jr's artwork is flawless and, most importantly, this may not be the one tri Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 27, 2009

    THAT was unexpected... The only bad part about this particular issue was the long wait since the last one, and the expectation of a long wait before the next. Mark Millar strikes the perfect balance between superhero convention and real-world kick in the nuts, and John Romita, Jr's art is once again note perfect. The silly aspects of the superhero personas are right there in front of us, and yet, Millar is able to get past that and show us a story about people. Sure, they're people who do stupid and foolhardy things in funny tights, but they're relatable in ways that even Batman isn't. Kick-Ass is one of those stories that grabbed me by the neck with the first issue, and this one has another gutshot shock ending that makes perfect sense in retrospect, but ya still never saw coming. Kick-Ass #6 earns an awesome 4 out of 5 stars (including the sequence with Dave's busty teacher and her new low-cut top, the kind of pain I can totally relate to) and shows that there are still o Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Apr 27, 2009

    Kick-Ass #6 isn't really going to change any minds about the series, but it delivers for the fans. And that's what matters most sometimes. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 22, 2009

    In some ways Kick-Ass is one of the stupidest books I've ever read. In no way is it a realistic examination of costumed vigilantes or modern crime. But the series rarely fails to amuse, and considering that this issue is more meaty than past efforts, that gives it a leg up in my book. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew J. Brady/David Wallace Apr 21, 2009

    In all honesty, I'd probably be enjoying this book a little more if it came out a little more regularly, as my affection for the title character has certainly waned slightly over the 14 months since the book's first issue was released. That said, it's still an entertaining read when it does appear, and Millar's assurances that the last few issues of this first mini-series will ship in a more timely fashion suggests that we might be in for a tight, focused conclusion over the next couple of months. The surprise twist at the end of this issue certainly makes things a lot more interesting, changing the dynamic of the group significantly (even if a slightly obvious moment of set-up earlier in the issue seems to suggest a possible method to reverse the development). Even if it's not my favourite book on the stands at the moment, I look forward to seeing how this story wraps up. Read Full Review

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