Kick-Ass #7

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Icon Release Date: September 9, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 10
8.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE! Dave Lizewski has had better days. When he first pulled on the Super Hero suit, it was the thrill of a lifetime. Since then, he's been banged-up, beaten, broken, bludgeoned, and all sorts of other b-words. He's met a 9-year-old assassin and been on a super hero team-up. He's watched people die and seen himself become an internet celebrity. But all that means nothing... compared to tonight. MARK MILLAR and JOHN ROMITA JR.'s foul-mouthed super hero saga continues!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Sep 11, 2009

    KickAss returns with a vengeance and a score to settle with an issue that more than makes up for the wait with sheer brutality, superb art, and strong character work. While I hate extended delays on comics, I'm willing to be a bit more lenient when the end result is an issue like this. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Sep 8, 2009

    With only one more issue to go, I'm not holding out much hope that Kick-Ass is going to turn out to be anything more than it originally appeared: a heady mixture of comics geekery, swearing, and pre-pubescent ultra-violence in ridiculous colourful costumes. On all of those fronts, Millar delivers -- but after six issues of similar content, I'm not sure that that's quite enough. Still, as storyboards for teen-oriented Generation-Y superhero movies go, you probably couldn't ask for better. Read Full Review

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