The groundbreaking, controversial Supreme Power is back! A new era begins for the deadliest super heroes of all time! The man known as Hyperion has disappeared, hiding from the government and finally living the life he always wanted. Dr. Spectrum has taken his place as America's greatest hero...and the US Military's greatest asset. But when the balance of super-power threatens the world, and Dr. Spectrum becomes a deadly liability, Hyperion's solitude may be short-lived. Will these two former allies find themselves at the center of a conflict that could engulf the planet?
The series suffers a bit more in terms of visuals compared to the past. Manuel Garcia can't really match the sheer cinematic quality and amazing detail of Gary Frank's pencils. For the most part, Garcia does a fine job capturing the grit and feel of the universe and delivering a book that's a little less superhero-y than the norm. However, his facial work often fails to capture the emotion of a scene, and the limited battle scenes so far don't crackle with as much energy as they should. Hopefully that won't be the case when Hyperion and Spectrum begin the main fight. Read Full Review
This is a good start for the series, but Supreme Power has a lot of work to do in order to become a worthy successor of the franchise. Read Full Review