Theremin #1
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Theremin #1

Writer: Curt Pires Artist: Dalton Rose Publisher: Monkeybrain Comics Release Date: April 10, 2013 Critic Reviews: 9
8.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Time travel is real and scientist/inventor Leon Theremin just discovered it. The journey from scientist to super spy is shorter than you think. It all starts here.

The first chapter in the new series by Curt Pires, creator of the critically acclaimed “LP”, and art sensation DALTON ROSE, the creator of “PHABULA” and artist of “SACRIFICE”.

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Apr 11, 2013

    "Theremin" #1 is a bold debut that does what a first issue should do: hooks readers with an interesting premise, offers page after page of well executed comic book-ing, and ends on a note that will have readers coming back for more. Pires and Rose demonstrate an awareness of how the medium works that many long-established professionals " not naming any names " have yet to grasp. For only a dollar, you can't afford to miss it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson Apr 11, 2013

    For new readers, this is perfect. It's cheap, well-written, easy to find, great looking, and a fantastic comic. If you have a smartphone, you can get this comic. It's great stuff with a strange, wonderful future in store. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - dmburns81 Apr 17, 2013

    If the ending of Comeback or The Secret History of D.B. Cooper left you wanting more time travel/espionage/historical figures set in fantastical worlds, then Theremin will definitely scratch that itch. For 99 cents you owe it to yourself to try this series out, and while you're at it check out some other Monkeybrain comics on the Comixology store. Quality stories at a reasonable price every month? It's as if they're actually listening to fans---and that's a concept we should all get behind. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Apr 11, 2013

    This was an extremely entertaining story and I will definitely be sticking around to see the larger story unfold. There is an extensive letter of sorts from the creator Curt Pires at the end of the issue and if you couldn’t tell already, he put an extensive amount of time in to researching Theremin’s life in order to create this comic. Over and over Monkey Brain delivers some great self-published material and Theremin can definitely be added to that list. This is a must read for sci-fi and espionage fans, that’s for damn sure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Apr 11, 2013

    The themes Curt Pires explores within Theremin #1 are most interesting. I only wish he'd taken more time in exploring the concept behind the idea, other than simply jumping into a fictional retelling of history. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Dan Pennacchia Apr 10, 2013

    Leon Theremin is a great new character. Though rooted in history, it is not hard to see this is the product of someone taking the premise of a scientist turned operative to its creative conclusion. Based during the era of Communist Russia and the rule of Stalin, add in spies and advanced technology and you have Theremin. Another great new story from Monkeybrain Comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Apr 14, 2013

    Theremin is a thinking man's comic. It isn't always easy to read, preferring to challenge the reader, but I must say that, thus far, it's an interesting challenge. Within the prose at the back of the book, Curt Pires writes that he hopes Theremin will find a community of fervent followers who really connect with the book's contents. He admits that he's too close to the product to know if it'll succeed or not. I don't know either, but you can count me in. I want to know where this crazy comic is going, and at only 99 cents for the first issue, it's definitely worth a look to see if you might want to know too. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Andrew Ziegler Aug 11, 2013

    Theremin #1 puts a story into motion that I cant help but want to follow. Lon is the unlikeliest of heroes, and thats to put it lightly. Curt Pires interest in music as catalyst for action intrigues me, and I hope it plays a greater role in issues to come. Monkey Brain Comics has done it again! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Apr 20, 2013

    Theremin comes from Monkeybrain Comics, a digital only publisher that's taken the unique stance of offering up every issue of their titles for only 99 cents. The books seem to hover around the 12-15 page point, which is more than worth the money compared to other digital and physical offerings. Read Full Review

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