Fallen World #4

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Adam Pollina Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: August 7, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
8.1Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Rai's greatest enemy has returned in a whole new form, and he's got an army with him!

Can the cyborg samurai save innocent people from the powerful foe?

What role will fan-favorite characters Eternal Warrior, Geomancer, and War Mother play in the battle?

  • 9.3
    Comic Watch - Kenneth Bowden Aug 7, 2019

    I seriously cannot rant enough about what a solid book this is, each page is more delicious than the last. Once it ends, you're hit with that bittersweet flavor you loved as a kid when you got to the last page of a wondrous story, then comes the adrenaline rush of knowing an insane ending is right around the corner and with each issue building up so flawlessly so far the anticipation is too real. The long and short of it is, Dan Abnett and Adam Pollina are some kinda futuristic wizards because this book is pure magic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Aug 7, 2019

    That said, this series is still buoyed by two remarkable issues at the outset of the series, and another pretty good one right in the middle. While there has been a downward trend appearing, we've still got an issue left that will allow Abnett, Pollina and co to course correct for a much better finale than the fourth issue implies we'll get. But, after a disappointing fourth issue, I'm still cautiously optimistic about the fifth. Read Full Review

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