Livewire #11

Writer: Vita Ayala Artist: Tana Ford Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: October 9, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Amanda McKee-aka "Livewire"-continues the fight to clear her name.
Teamed up with politician John Wright, Amanda learns there's more to superhero-ing than just punching bad guys.
But when masked men hold a charity rally hostage, Livewire is ready to show the world she's ready to be a hero in the spotlight!

  • 8.5
    Word Of The Nerd - Edward Wendt Oct 9, 2019

    The story in Livewire #11 ends up working and relatively well because of the mature handling of the story. There have been many cases of heroes put under scrutiny in the past, but it seems to fit better here than elsewhere. Livewire holds herself together pretty well under this duress, even as others are trying to manipulate her. It also helps that Valiant has a smaller footprint in superhero stories than other companies. It is hard to imagine the public turning on the Flash or the Fantastic Four. As a result, it seems a bit more real here. This works out to tell a better story, and the strong showing from the art team solidifies it all. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Watch - Kenneth Bowden Oct 13, 2019

    The long and short of it is this is a bittersweet issue, while on one hand I'm excited to see how Ayala wraps up an amazing run on Livewire I can't say I'm in a rush for it to be over. This issue does an amazing job setting up what promises to be a fitting grand finale though so if you weren't pumped for #12 going into this one I would check your pulse if you aren't now. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Oct 11, 2019

    Livewire #11 is, on the whole, a really solid comic with an interesting angle on the way politicians and public figures manipulate the general public's perception and thoughts. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Beyond The Panel - Jideobi Odunze Oct 9, 2019

    If you were looking forward to Livewire #11 for big heroics, then you might walk away wanting more than what you actually got. But if you looked to this issue for a further exploration of John Wright's agenda in tackling the Psiot problem, then you will get a reveal which will keep you looking forward to what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Brax Oct 9, 2019

    One of the most exciting things about Vita Ayala's writing/plot for this book is that it is almost impossible to anticipate where it will go next. How will Livewire ever be considered a hero given the terror she has inflicted on her world? What is the secret agenda of Gwen and Councilman Wright? And given her abilities, what's to stop Livewire from simply imposing her will on her tech-controlled world and reshaping it into whatever she wants it to be. As Livewire's path to redemption continues, readers and fans will simply have to keep reading to figure it all out. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Multiversity Comics - Linda H. Codega Oct 14, 2019

    "Livewire #11" adds an interesting twist to Amanda's story, and makes for a compelling, if slightly offbeat, read. Read Full Review

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