The critically-acclaimed team of JEFF PARKER and JAVIER PULIDO continue their globe-trotting adventure with the Valiant's top superspy... and the secret behind Ninjak's mysterious enemies is revealed!
One look at Pulido's pages and you'll see why NINJAK is one of 2021's most talked about comics.
You'll see the first few pages above to get an idea of just what Pulido is capable of; at first glance the style seems like an overly simplistic one at first, but the depth of storytelling he delivers is fantastic. Read Full Review
While a little slower thanks to some exposition on the supporting character's part, Javier Pulido instills NINJAK #3 some emotionally overwhelming exposition about the series villains Daylight. Read Full Review
As Ninjak barrels ahead against increasingly intimidating threats, it seems the series can't miss the mark in making that journey as intriguing as possible. Read Full Review
'Ninjak' continues to be a wild spy action series made all the more mind-blowing by Pulido's unique design work. The series looks like nothing else in comics. New revelations reveal the methods that Daylight has employed to take down MI6. Parker has upped the intrigue and stakes with a game-changer issue for the series. Read Full Review
NINJAK #3 takes the trope of the spy list released to the public and adds in some unexpected-yet-welcome science fiction to raise the threat level on this uneven series. The art is still a bizarre mismatch for the source material as a traditional comic, but it makes for a more enjoyable read when viewed through the lens of an old video game. Read Full Review