Joe The Barbarian #2

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Sean Murphy Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: February 17, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Formless Deathcoats, Dwarf Pirate Submariners, a Rodent Yojimbo the wildest imaginings of a young boy become all too real in this breakout epic from superstar writer Grant Morrison and rising talent Sean Murphy. Fantasy and reality, death and life, collide in this new must-read series.

  • 9.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Feb 18, 2010

    Morrison and Murphy are taking on a very difficult task with this story. On the surface, Joe the Barbarian is about a diabetic kid who hallucinates while trying to get downstairs before he dies of shock. In another creative team's hands, that could seem like a pretty thin plot to build an eight issue mini-series around. Thankfully, Morrison and Murphy make it impossible not to get completely immersed and lost in this rich tale, where samurai rats, fiery demons and sci-fi pirates all tickle the imagination and suggest there's far more going on in this boy's perilous journey. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 20, 2010

    This comic book has a cute little story idea turned into something more. With Morrison adding some strange elements, as only he can, and partnered with the breakthrough art by Murphy the comic book stands out on the shelves this week. This is something I definitely recommend. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Mar 1, 2010

    I seem to remember that this series was originally mooted as a 3 issue mini-series, which makes me wonder whether the creators will be able to sustain their tale for the full 8 issues that are now promised by the cover. For the moment, however, Im finding Joe The Barbarian to be imaginative, entertaining and very well illustrated, and I look forward to seeing how Joes quest progresses. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Feb 17, 2010

    Morrison's writing isn't bad here as he choreographs many of the changes that Murphy and Stewart pull off so well, but the effectiveness of those techniques is mostly in the hands of the artists. Morrison's development of the fantasy world and its story is very basic, the sort of thing that you've seen before in numerous fantasy stories. While it is the sort of world that a boy Joe's age would think of, not much of it is surprising or up to that level often associated with Morrison. His writing is effective at creating an interesting fantasy story with a neat twist, but without as skilled an artist as Murphy, it wouldn't read nearly as well since, so far, the story hasn't progressed beyond its clever premise yet. Read Full Review

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