Joe The Barbarian #1
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Joe The Barbarian #1

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Sean Murphy Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: January 20, 2010 Cover Price: $1 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 3
8.3Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Having an overactive imagination can get a kid through a lot, but it doesn't change the facts: Joe's still the kid in school that can't fit in. He's the victim of bullies. His dad died overseas in the Iraq war. And then there's the Type 1 diabetes he has to live with.So is it insulin-deprived delirium or something much, much bigger that transports Joe to a land inhabited by all his toys from ninja commandos to action robots to magical knights to star fleet captains? Is Joe really the savior of this wild fantasyland that's been held under siege by dark magic and evil forces? With the help of a samurai rodent, is he ready to take back besieged more

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jan 21, 2010

    With a $1 cover price, it's hard not to pick this up. Add two amazing creators, an interesting, though not perfect premise, and this is a very solid setup issue. I'm a little disappointed with the revelation of how this fantastic world comes to pass, but am looking forward to the journey we're about to set out on. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Jan 24, 2010

    And hey, the thing's just a buck! Isn't it worth a stinking dollar to read a really great Grant Morrison comic? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 24, 2010

    Having said that, the quality of the artwork and the fact that this first issue is being released as one of Vertigos one dollar debut comics means that its very difficult to feel that you havent been given your moneys worth after reading it. As such, I have no hesitation in giving it such a high bullet-rating (one that may not have been warranted had the issue been priced at three dollars), and I hope that the next issue provides a little more for readers to get their teeth into now that weve been introduced to the world of Joe the Barbarian. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jan 22, 2010

    The point Morrison makes here is a rather simple one. He spotlights how the paraphernalia of childhood - toys, games, comics, cartoons and more - serve as our escape from pain and bring magic into our lives when it's sorely lacking in the real world. Morrison is hardly breaking new ground here, but he approaches the familiar subject matter with sensitivity and a sense of mystery. As the series progresses, I'm sure it will be confirmed that something supernatural and weird is happening in Joe's life, but I rather enjoyed that in this first issue, it's rather vague as to Joe has fallen through the looking glass or is merely experiencing a psychological event in order to enable him to cope with the stresses from without. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Mania - Chad Derdowski Jan 22, 2010

    But honestly, for a buck you can’t go wrong. It’s only a dollar, folks. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 20, 2010

    The goal of any first issue is to draw readers in to the story and convince them to come back for more. Thanks to Sean Murphy's gorgeous art and a haunting atmosphere that hinted atmagical possibilities, Joe the Barbarian #1 definitely drew me in. For that, I'll call it a success, even if it's difficult to call it great without the context of future issues. That said, I have a feeling I'll be thankful that Morrison and Murphy took the time and space to walk us through this boy's house. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jan 23, 2010

    This issue is only a buck and you definitely get your money's worth. The art design and work is tremendous and is not to be missed. If you were a kid in the 70s, 80s or 90s then you are sure to see some favorites in Joe's room. The story is good, but is clearly not the appeal as the artwork takes command in the first chapter here. This is worth checking out for sure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Jan 24, 2010

    Joe is a creative high school kid who doesn't fit in with his peers; he's the victim of bullies. Additionally, Joe has Type 1 diabetes and his dad died in Iraq. However, one morning he wakes up and things seem very different. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Jan 24, 2010

    All of this great work is given additional yet vital mood by colourist Dave Stewart's use of earth tones, making for a comic that feels like a rainy day when you're stuck inside the house and the world only succeeds to depress. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Jan 24, 2010

    One issue in, Im fully immersed in the world of Joe the Barbarian. Grant Morrison and Sean Murphy have created a setting that is both sad and soothing, then ripped it out from under our feet for the sake of adventure. Ill be happy to let them continue doing so for the remaining seven issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 21, 2010

    Hopefully people will see why "Joe the Barbarian" #1 has a slow pace and stick around; there's a lot of promise here, and the glimpses of Joe's other reality that we see are golden. It is a deliberately slow start, though, but hopefully (logically!) things are about to pick up big time. Here's to #2 showing us just that. Read Full Review

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