Morrison and Quitely continue their unique "Westernized manga." A cyborg dog, cat and rabbit tear through everything the military turns against them, only to come face-to-face with a teeming wave of frenzied, cyber-enhanced rats. And in a bloody battle already filled with considerable cost, the three will make an unforgivable mistake of fatal consequence...
Sadly, we learn that even our samurai-armored Cyborg friends are just as vulnerable as the hapless soldiers Morrison shreds organ by organ in several brutal encounters. This story, the last moments of a doomed experiment gone awry only slightly decompressed for the audience, continues to build. Nothing in it promises a happy ending; but, then, considering the nature of the crimes committed, perhaps a final ending is the best any of the players can hope for. Read Full Review
the escaped animals from the first issue are now in pursuit from the government who was experimenting on them. . . . . the animals fight to protect themselves and the pursuing soldiers are slaughtered. . . . . the leader of the animals (a dog named number One) tries to rescue a bystander that is caught in the cross-fire, but it was already too late. a very sad and touching moment. . . . . . this series really tugs at the heart strings. there's also a moment when the animals come across a hunter and his young son. . . . . i don't want to spoil. . . . but i'll just say READ IT!!! . . . . . this story is GREAT!!!