Wonderland enters the Age of Darkness... and nothing can ever be the same!
Calie Liddle of Wonderland must find a way to stop the Dark Queen's evil reign while also keeping her daughter safe. And the self-serving wildcard, The Trickster, just might hold the key to it all.
Grimm Fairy Tales presents White Queen: Age of Darkness #2 is excellent entertainment. With a team that makes use of Zenescope's current landscape there's no doubt that this trekcomes recommended. Read Full Review
Liddie has made a decision and it's a good read, though some visuals brought the book down. Still, a fun readand I'm looking forward to the conclusion next month. Read Full Review
This is a short series, with the following issue being the last,but it has been unexpectedly entertaining in its relatively short run. The character are not written for depth, but they don't really need to be as they are well established elsewhere. Instead it is the concept which drives the interest here, and it works. It might not if it were drawn out longer, but in this shorter version, the miniseries manages a better focus. By the end of this issue it is well set up for a showdown in the final issue and it looks equally as fun. Read Full Review
Once again I can't recommend this to anyone who isn't already invested in the larger world. As a thing it's not really worth your time or money unless you've already invested quite a bit of both in Zenescope. Like, as an owner, or something. However, as a progression from the last issue it is heads and tails above what came before it. I would have gladly taken this as a first issue over what I was given last month but the whole thing is already concluding next month so there really isn't a whole lot time to invest yourself. Skip this whole thing and get something else, anything else, instead. Read Full Review
Chapter two of writer Troy Brownfield's three-part miniseries, White Queen: Age of Darkness, is spotty in its entertainment value at best; with the characters lacking any real depth. Read Full Review