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Joined: Apr 07, 2015

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jotun84 rated All-Star Superman Vol. 1 Apr 7, 2015

All-Star Superman Vol. 1

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely

The complete 12-issue run of ALL-STAR SUPERMAN by Morrison and Quitely is collected in a single trade paperback!Witness the Man of Steel in exciting adventures featuring Lex Luthor, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Bizarro, and more! Plus: Superman goes toe-to-toe with Bizarro, his oddball twin, and the new character Zibarro, also from the Bizarro planet.

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The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1

By: Grant Morrison, Nathan Fairbain
Released: Nov 19, 2014

Brace yourselves for the next exciting chapter of THE MULTIVERSITY as the acclaimed ALL-STAR SUPERMAN team of writer Grant Morrison and artist Frank Quitely investigate the conspiracy on Earth-4, home of Pax Americana! Told backwards through an experimental storytelling technique that reveals new mysteries with each turn of the page, PAX AMERICANA ...

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Batman Vol. 3: Death Of The Family

By: James Tynion IV, Jock

After having his face sliced off, The Joker makes his horrifying return to Gotham City in this epic from issues #13-17 that shook Batman to his core! But even for a man whos committed a lifetime of murder, hes more dangerous than ever before. How can Batman protect his city and those hes closest to?This new hardcover features an acetate dust jacket...

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Nowhere Men Vol. 1: Fates Worse Than Death

By: Eric Stephenson, Nate Bellegarde

"SCIENCE IS THE NEW ROCK 'N' ROLL!" So said Dade Ellis, Simon Grimshaw, Emerson Strange, and Thomas Walker at the dawn of a new age of enlightenment that ushered in a boom in scientific advancement. As the research supergroup World Corp., they became the most celebrated scientists of all time. They changed the world--and we loved them for it. But w...

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