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Joined: Apr 16, 2015

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Jimbrex rated Convergence: Superman #1 Apr 16, 2015

Convergence: Superman #1

By: Dan Jurgens, Lee Weeks
Released: Apr 8, 2015

STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! A powerless Superman is called upon to protect Gotham City...and his pregnant wife Lois Lane!

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This is the first real disappointment within convergence for me. While I love Giffen's humor, and the art is really quite serviceable , this would have been a much better issue if the characters featured in it were Booster Gold and Blue Beetle instead of Matrix and Lex Jr.

This issue implies that they would have been pulled from the timeline after Superman was killed but before he was more

Convergence: Supergirl - Matrix #1

By: Keith Giffen, Timothy Green
Released: Apr 15, 2015

STARRING HEROES FROM ZERO HOUR! What do Supergirl, Lady Quark, and Ambush Bug have in common? Well...nothing, really. But that doesn't stop them from appearing in this story together. You are SO welcome.

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Jimbrex added Claudio Sanchez to their creator watch list Apr 16, 2015
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Jimbrex added Charles Soule to their creator watch list Apr 16, 2015
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Jimbrex added Jae Lee to their creator watch list Apr 16, 2015
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Jimbrex added Alex Maleev to their creator watch list Apr 16, 2015
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