Jimbrex's Profile

Joined: Apr 16, 2015

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Convergence: Supergirl - Matrix #1

Apr 16, 2015

This is the first real disappointment within convergence for me. While I love Giffen's humor, and the art is really quite serviceable , this would have been a much better issue if the characters featured in it were Booster Gold and Blue Beetle instead of Matrix and Lex Jr. This issue implies that they would have been pulled from the timeline after Superman was killed but before he was resurrected. And I may only have been about seven years old while the whole "they saved Lex Luthor's brain" story arc was going on. but really, this is not the characterization I've ever seen of Lex Jr. He doted on Matrix, despite hiring her as his bodyguard, he was protective of her. He was almost courting her. He may have even infantilized her. But he did not ever berate her as he is portrayed as doing during this issue. And it's painful. In the face of the industry feeling the need to step up their game in positive representation of women in comic books, this is a complete step backwards for a character that was fairly well represented in her day. I won't be reading #2.

Convergence: Superman #1  

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