TylaGames's Profile

Joined: Jul 19, 2015

Recent Activity

TylaGames added Doctor Strange (2015) to their pull list Nov 27, 2017

Doctor Strange (2015)

Who do you call when things are coming out of your dreams and trying to kill you? Or when your daughter is cursing in Latin and walking like a spider? Or when your dog keeps screaming at you to strangle your neighbors? Doctor Strange, of course. He's the only person standing between us and the forces of darkness, but has he been paying his tab? Eve...

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TylaGames added Doomsday Clock to their pull list Nov 26, 2017

Doomsday Clock

DC Comics presents to you a 12-issue maxiseries from the critically acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns, artist Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson. You are not prepared for what lies ahead within these pages, good readers.

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TylaGames added Batman: White Knight to their pull list Oct 30, 2017

Batman: White Knight

In a world where Batman has gone too far, The Joker must save Gotham City.
He's been called a maniac, a killer and the "Clown Prince of Crime" but "white knight"? Never. Until now...
Set in a world where the Joker is cured of his insanity and homicidal tendencies, The Joker, now known as "Jack," sets about trying to right his wrongs. First ...

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TylaGames added Underwinter: A Field of Feathers to their pull list Oct 30, 2017

Underwinter: A Field of Feathers

A family is torn apart by a terrible curse. This horrifying new volume in the world of the critically acclaimed UNDERWINTER features lush, fully painted artwork by RAY FAWKES, named by Paste Magazine as one of the "ten best comic artists of 2017."

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TylaGames added The Mighty Thor (2015) to their pull list Oct 30, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015)

When DR. JANE FOSTER lifts the mystic hammer Mjolnir, she is transformed into the Goddess of Thunder, THE MIGHTY THOR! Her enemies are many, as Asgard descends further into chaos and war threatens to spread throughout the Ten Realms. Yet her greatest battle will be against a far more personal foe: the cancer that is killing her mortal form.

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TylaGames added Mister Miracle (2017) to their pull list Oct 30, 2017

Mister Miracle (2017)

From the team behind THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON and the Hugo Award-nominated writer of Vision comes a unique new take on one of Jack Kirby's most beloved New Gods.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist that ever lived. So great that he escaped Granny Goodness' gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a...

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TylaGames added Dark Nights: Metal to their pull list Oct 30, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal

The superstar BATMAN team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo reunite for a massive, universe-spanning event!
DARK DAYS: THE FORGE and THE CASTING hinted at dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! Now, as DARK NIGHTS: METAL begins, the Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it co...

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TylaGames dropped Gotham By Midnight from their pull list Oct 30, 2017

Gotham By Midnight

Strange doings are afoot in Gotham City! Look out, though Jim Corrigan is on the case in this new series by writer Ray Fawkes (CONSTANTINE, BATMAN ETERNAL) and artist Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Ten Grand)!

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TylaGames dropped Starfire from their pull list Oct 30, 2017


From the writers of the outrageous smash hit HARLEY QUINN comes former Outlaw Starfire in her all-new ongoing series! She's an alien warrior princess trying to find peace on Earth, and she'll fight anyone and anything to get it!

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TylaGames dropped Red Hood / Arsenal from their pull list Oct 30, 2017

Red Hood / Arsenal

These brothers in arms face off against incredible odds while burning their way through the underbelly of the DC Universe - and it's only a matter of time until they get gunned down in return!

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TylaGames added Brian K. Vaughan to their creator watch list Sep 20, 2017
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TylaGames added Underwinter to their pull list Aug 19, 2017


SERIES PREMIERE! "SYMPHONY," Part One-Critically acclaimed creator RAY FAWKES launches his new monthly horror series: UNDERWINTER, twisted portraits of our dark world, beginning with the perverse, topical SYMPHONY - a beautifully painted tale of music and cruelty in the modern age.

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TylaGames added Kelly Thompson to their creator watch list Aug 19, 2017
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TylaGames added Alan Moore to their creator watch list Aug 13, 2017
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TylaGames added Bloodshot: Salvation to their pull list Aug 12, 2017

Bloodshot: Salvation

A BLOCKBUSTER NEW ONGOING SERIES! From New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (BLOODSHOT REBORN, Moon Knight) and extraordinary artists Lewis LaRosa (BLOODSHOT REBORN) & Mico Suayan (BLOODSHOT REBORN), a bloody and vengeful new era for Bloodshot begins this September as Ray Garrison escapes his violent past to build the one thing he never t...

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TylaGames added Batman (2016) to their pull list Aug 12, 2017

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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TylaGames added All-Star Batman to their pull list Aug 12, 2017

All-Star Batman

"My Own Worst Enemy" part one! Superstar writer Scott Snyder explodes into an all-new Batman series alongside legendary artist John Romita Jr., reimagining some of the Dark Knight's greatest villains. First up: Two-Face! Batman must take Two-Face to a destination out of Gotham City, but the duplicitous villain has a two of spades up his sleeve. Eve...

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TylaGames added Black Hammer to their pull list Aug 12, 2017

Black Hammer

  A new story from the prodigious brain of Jeff Lemire (Descender), amazingly realized by Dean Ormston (The Sandman) and Dave Stewart (Hellboy)!
Once they were heroes, but that age has long since passed. Banished from existence by a multiversal crisis, the old champions of Spiral City-Abraham Slam, Golden Gail, Colonel Weird, Madame Dragonfly...

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TylaGames added Ray Fawkes to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Kyle Higgins to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Jeff Lemire to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Jason Aaron to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Frank Miller to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Mark Millar to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Geoff Johns to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Donny Cates to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Scott Snyder to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Tom King to their creator watch list Aug 12, 2017
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TylaGames added Starfire to their pull list Jul 20, 2015


From the writers of the outrageous smash hit HARLEY QUINN comes former Outlaw Starfire in her all-new ongoing series! She's an alien warrior princess trying to find peace on Earth, and she'll fight anyone and anything to get it!

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TylaGames added Gotham By Midnight to their pull list Jul 20, 2015

Gotham By Midnight

Strange doings are afoot in Gotham City! Look out, though Jim Corrigan is on the case in this new series by writer Ray Fawkes (CONSTANTINE, BATMAN ETERNAL) and artist Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Ten Grand)!

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