cora's Profile

Joined: Feb 26, 2016

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cora reviewed Clean Room #11 Oct 29, 2016

Great comic! Fabulous art! If this guy would pencil Batman or Superman he will be a superstar like Perez, Adams and Lee. And the words in this comic equals the art. Gail Simone is a very creative writer!

Clean Room #11

By: Gail Simone, Jon Davis-Hunt
Released: Aug 24, 2016

The Entities threaten their final revenge on our world and it's vastly more horrible than even Astrid thought, while Evangelical forces stake a claim on Astrid's organization, and only Chloe has the knowledge to stop them. Our second mind-bending arc rockets to a grisly conclusion for all mankind, including you and everyone you know!

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cora reviewed Postal #16 Oct 27, 2016

Characters, most important ingredient in a story. Postal has got great characters. All of them.

Postal #16

By: Bryan Hill, Isaac Goodhart
Released: Oct 26, 2016

The Aryan Brotherhood makes an all-out assault against Eden, and now the former criminals of Eden make their last stand against a violent sociopath fueled by hatred, who won't stop until none of them are left.

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cora dropped The Fix from their pull list Oct 16, 2016

The Fix

A story of the crooked cops, scheming mobsters, and corrupt politicians that run things-and the sex toy that can bring them all down. Oh, and the hero is a drug-sniffing beagle named Pretzels. Bad people do bad things to each other in this frenetic, outrageous, sometimes off-putting new caper! If you liked classic crime comics like CRIMINAL and 100...

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cora added The Fix to their pull list Oct 16, 2016

The Fix

A story of the crooked cops, scheming mobsters, and corrupt politicians that run things-and the sex toy that can bring them all down. Oh, and the hero is a drug-sniffing beagle named Pretzels. Bad people do bad things to each other in this frenetic, outrageous, sometimes off-putting new caper! If you liked classic crime comics like CRIMINAL and 100...

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cora reviewed Unbelievable Gwenpool #7 Oct 14, 2016

Hilarious! Gwenpool should be a motion picture!

Unbelievable Gwenpool #7

By: Christopher Hastings, Gurihiru
Released: Oct 12, 2016

M.O.D.O.K. has a new leader, and her name is Gwenpool! A few weeks ago, she wasn't even part of this universe, and now she's running a highly intricate mercenary organization! What do you mean she's not up to the task? Everything we know about her indicated she can handle this, right? Okay - maybe there will be ...

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cora added Romulus to their pull list Oct 8, 2016


Our world isn't free. All of us, for generations, have lived under the secret control of The Ancient Order of Romulus. One young woman, raised by them, trained by them, betrayed by them, must push through her fear to take a stand against the silent evil that masters our world. Her name is Ashlar, and her war begins with the brutal first chapter of ...

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cora added Providence to their pull list Oct 8, 2016


The most important work of 2015 begins here with the long-awaited arrival of Alan Moore's breathtaking epic PROVIDENCE with his artistic partner Jacen Burrows. In his most carefully considered work in decades, Moore deconstructs all of Lovecraft's concepts, reinventing the entirety of his work inside a painstakingly researched framework of America...

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cora dropped Black Magick from their pull list Oct 8, 2016

Black Magick

The hammer falls this Halloween!  From New York Times bestselling and Eisner Award-winning writer GREG RUCKA (LAZARUS, Stumptown, Gotham Central) and superstar artist NICOLA SCOTT (Birds of Prey, Secret Six, Earth 2)! Detective Rowan Black works robbery/homicide for the Portsmouth PD, but her greatest mystery is the  truth about...

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cora dropped Monstress from their pull list Oct 8, 2016


Astonishing X-men and Black Widow writer MARJORIE LIU returns to comics with artist SANA TAKEDA (X-23) for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Steampunk meets Kaiju in this original fantasy epic for mature readers, as young Maika risks everything to control her psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, placing her in the center of a devastating war b...

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cora dropped Descender from their pull list Oct 8, 2016


One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

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cora added The Black Monday Murders to their pull list Oct 8, 2016

The Black Monday Murders

ALL HAIL GOD MONEY! From JONATHAN HICKMAN (EAST OF WEST, Secret Wars, Avengers) and TOMM COKER (UNDYING LOVE) comes a new crypto-noir series about the power of dirty, filthy money... and exactly what kind of people you can buy with it. THE BLACK MONDAY MURDERS is classic occultism where the various schools of magic are actually clandes...

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cora reviewed Postal #15 Oct 4, 2016

You're an idiot if you're not reading this. Not because you're an idiot, but because you're missing out on the best comicbook on the stands and in a few years these issues will be impossible to find for a few dollars.

Postal #15

By: Bryan Hill, Isaac Goodhart
Released: Sep 28, 2016

Eden strikes back at the Aryan brotherhood, and the Aryan brotherhood responds with a psychopath hungry for retribution. The battlefield is set and both sides march towards their final confrontation. What happens when violent supremacy meets righteous violence? War.

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cora rated The Fix #1 Apr 28, 2016

The Fix #1

By: Nick Spencer, Steve Lieber
Released: Apr 6, 2016

A story of the crooked cops, scheming mobsters, and corrupt politicians that run things-and the sex toy that can bring them all down. Oh, and the hero is a drug-sniffing beagle named Pretzels. Bad people do bad things to each other in this frenetic, outrageous, sometimes off-putting new caper! If you liked classic crime comics like CRIMINAL and 100...

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cora reviewed Unbelievable Gwenpool #1 Apr 19, 2016

Gwenpool is sensational!

Unbelievable Gwenpool #1

By: Christopher Hastings, Gurihiru
Released: Apr 13, 2016

2015's overnight internet sensation takes center stage in her own ongoing series! Gwen Poole used to be a comic book reader just like you...until she woke up in a world where the characters she read about seemed to be real! But they can't be, right? This must all be fake, or a dream or something, right? And you know what that means...NO CONSEQUENCE...

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cora added Unbelievable Gwenpool to their pull list Apr 19, 2016

Unbelievable Gwenpool

2015's overnight internet sensation takes center stage in her own ongoing series! Gwen Poole used to be a comic book reader just like you...until she woke up in a world where the characters she read about seemed to be real! But they can't be, right? This must all be fake, or a dream or something, right? And you know what that means...NO CONSEQUENCE...

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cora reviewed Postal #11 Apr 13, 2016

Just read the damn book! You will kick yourself that you didnt do it sooner!

Postal #11

By: Bryan Hill, Isaac Goodhart
Released: Mar 30, 2016

As Maggie recovers from Molly's attach, Mark and Laura Shiffron make a plan to punish and contain Molly, despite her protection order from the FBI, an FBI that Special Agent Bremble is beginning to turn against Eden itself... With the possible help of Mark's father, Issac.

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cora added Descender to their pull list Apr 1, 2016


One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

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cora liked this: reviewed Clean Room #5 Feb 25, 2016

I love Gail Simone, and I love this book. It is weird and gross and off-putting, and that’s to say the least. I loved this books weird demon-lady on regular-lady nude hot tub moment, which was totally weird and off-putting while being just a little bit sexy… but still creepy. That is the best way to describe this book, I think- a little bit sexy or titillating, while making your stomach turn, more

Clean Room #5

By: Gail Simone, Jon Davis-Hunt
Released: Feb 17, 2016

Astrid Mueller is scared for the first time as she struggles to tame a Clean Room gone wildly out of control. Meanwhile, her cult followers take the recruitment process to a whole new level. And Chloe faces demons more horrible than even her own hallucinations.

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cora liked this:
Quietomega rated Black Magick #5 Feb 24, 2016

Black Magick #5

By: Greg Rucka, Nicola Scott
Released: Feb 24, 2016

Book One: "Awakening" Conclusion
Trial by divination.

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cora reviewed The Beauty #6 Feb 26, 2016

The Beauty is a very good story and the covers are one of the best on the stand!

The Beauty #6

By: Jeremy Haun
Released: Jan 27, 2016

The final issue of the first thrilling story arc!  

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cora reviewed Monstress #3 Feb 26, 2016

Spectaculair comic!

Monstress #3

By: Marjorie M. Liu, Sana Takeda
Released: Jan 27, 2016

Maika must confront the deadly secrets that live inside her.

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cora reviewed Vision #4 Feb 26, 2016

Tom King is a genius and the art is not bad either!

Vision #4

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Feb 3, 2016

• Just as everything is coming together, everything goes to hell.
•  After finally finding love for The Vision, Virginia must respond to the one person who threatens that love - and her response will shock the Marvel Universe.
•  A not-to-be-missed ending that builds to next issue's breathtaking clima...

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cora reviewed Clean Room #5 Feb 26, 2016

Compelling and gripping! Wonderful stuff!

Clean Room #5

By: Gail Simone, Jon Davis-Hunt
Released: Feb 17, 2016

Astrid Mueller is scared for the first time as she struggles to tame a Clean Room gone wildly out of control. Meanwhile, her cult followers take the recruitment process to a whole new level. And Chloe faces demons more horrible than even her own hallucinations.

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cora reviewed Invisible Republic #9 Feb 26, 2016

Wonderful art! Intriguing story. Underrated comic.

Invisible Republic #9

By: Gabriel Hardman
Released: Feb 24, 2016

The key to the past is literally a key. It'll take a zero G heist to unlock it.

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cora reviewed Postal #10 Feb 26, 2016

Postal delivers month after month! Go read this fenomenal comic!

Postal #10

By: Bryan Hill, Isaac Goodhart
Released: Feb 24, 2016

With Eden on the brink of self-destruction, Mark and his mother put aside their differences to stop the internal and external forces seeking to tear Eden apart.

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cora added Vision (2015) to their pull list Feb 26, 2016

Vision (2015)

The Vision wants to be human, and what's more human than family? He goes to the laboratory where he was created, where Ultron molded him into a weapon, where he first rebelled against his given destiny, where he first imagined that he could be more, that he could be good, that he could be a man, a normal, ordinary man. And he builds them. A wife, V...

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cora added The Beauty to their pull list Feb 26, 2016

The Beauty

Modern society is obsessed with outward beauty. What if there was a way to guarantee you could become more and more beautiful every day? What if it was a sexually transmitted disease? In the world of The Beauty, physical perfection is attainable. The vast majority of the population has taken advantage of it, but...

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cora added Postal to their pull list Feb 26, 2016


The townsfolk of Eden, Wyoming wake up to the first official murder the town has seen in 25 years. Their reaction to this isn't normal, and there's a reason for that. Eden operates as a haven for fugitive criminals who remain here while new identities, often including facial reconstruction, are created for them. There is zero tolerance for any ille...

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cora added Monstress to their pull list Feb 26, 2016


Astonishing X-men and Black Widow writer MARJORIE LIU returns to comics with artist SANA TAKEDA (X-23) for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Steampunk meets Kaiju in this original fantasy epic for mature readers, as young Maika risks everything to control her psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, placing her in the center of a devastating war b...

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cora added Invisible Republic to their pull list Feb 26, 2016

Invisible Republic

Breaking Bad meets Blade Runner.
Arthur McBride's planetary regime has fallen. His story is over. That is until reporter Croger Babb discovers the journal of Arthur's cousin, Maia. Inside is the violent, audacious hidden history of the legendary freedom fighter. Erased from the official record, Maia alone knows how dangerous her cousin really...

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