Greywarbler's Profile

Joined: Apr 03, 2016

Recent Activity

Greywarbler added Black Panther (2016) to their pull list Apr 5, 2016

Black Panther (2016)

A new era for the Black Panther starts here!
Written by MacArthur Genius and National Book Award winner TA-NEHISI COATES (Between the World and Me) and illustrated by living legend BRIAN STELFREEZE, "A Nation Under Our Feet" is a story about dramatic upheaval in Wakanda and the Black Panther's struggle to do right by his people as their ruler...

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Greywarbler added Uncanny X-Men (2016) to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

Uncanny X-Men (2016)

In a world that's never hated or feared mutants more, there is only one constant: BIGGER THREATS REQUIRE MORE THREATENING X-MEN. Refusing to accept one more mutant death, the most ruthless mutants on Earth have banded together to proactively mow down their enemies. But with a team populated by relentless killers, one question applies above all othe...

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Greywarbler added Doctor Strange (2015) to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

Doctor Strange (2015)

Who do you call when things are coming out of your dreams and trying to kill you? Or when your daughter is cursing in Latin and walking like a spider? Or when your dog keeps screaming at you to strangle your neighbors? Doctor Strange, of course. He's the only person standing between us and the forces of darkness, but has he been paying his tab? Eve...

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Greywarbler added Invincible Iron Man (2015) to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

Invincible Iron Man (2015)

Exploding out of the pages of SECRET WARS, one of the most popular super heroes in the world gets a gigantic new series. From the creators that brought you ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN comes new armor, new supporting cast, new villains and a new purpose that is going to tear itself across the entire Marvel Universe and beyond. with a shocker of a last page ...

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Greywarbler added Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

Power Man and Iron Fist (2016)

We KNOW you've been waiting to see LUKE CAGE and DANNY RAND back together and back to STREET-STOMPING basics! POWER MAN and IRON FIST are tracking a mystery with all the ingredients of a classic Heroes-for-Hire tale. Expect old friends, hired goons, crime lords, weird magic, plenty of power, a ...

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Greywarbler added Spider-Woman (2015) to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

Spider-Woman (2015)

Jessica Drew is a private investigator, a super hero and... a mom to be? Since we last saw her, Spider-Woman's got a whole NEW responsibility -- she's super heroing for two now, after all! Ben Urich and Porcupine are still along for the adventure, too, and aren't making Jess' life any easier - half the time they won't even let her leave the car! Ho...

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Greywarbler added All-New Wolverine to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

All-New Wolverine

X-23 was created to be a weapon and for a time, that's all she was. But with the help of her mentor, LOGAN-the original WOLVERINE-she escaped that dark past. Tragically, Logan has fallen, but Laura will continue in his footsteps as a hero. Recent events have her doing everything in he...

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Greywarbler added The Mighty Thor (2015) to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

The Mighty Thor (2015)

When DR. JANE FOSTER lifts the mystic hammer Mjolnir, she is transformed into the Goddess of Thunder, THE MIGHTY THOR! Her enemies are many, as Asgard descends further into chaos and war threatens to spread throughout the Ten Realms. Yet her greatest battle will be against a far more personal foe: the cancer that is killing her mortal form.

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Greywarbler added All-New X-Men (2015) to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

All-New X-Men (2015)

Hated and feared more than ever, the world is a dangerous place for mutants. As the few remaining X-MEN retreat into seclusion, a handful of mutant teenagers refuse to allow their destiny to be decided for them. CYCLOPS. BEAST. ICEMAN. ANGEL. THE ALL-NEW WOLVERINE. KID APOCALYPSE. OYA. Stepping out of the shadows of their predecessors, the ALL-NEW ...

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Greywarbler added Extraordinary X-Men to their pull list Apr 3, 2016

Extraordinary X-Men

The fate of mutantkind is decided here! Staring down the threat of extinction once more, veteran X-Man Storm pulls together the team she'll need to ensure her race's survival. Together, these EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN will struggle with the familiar burden of being hated and feared, while facing threats the likes of which they've never seen. Here's hopin...

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