Junmafia's Profile

Joined: May 20, 2016

Recent Activity

Junmafia added Moon Knight (2016) to their pull list May 20, 2016

Moon Knight (2016)

Marc Spector (a.k.a. Moon Knight/Jake Lockley/Steven Grant) has been fighting criminals and keeping New York City safe for years... or has he? When he wakes up in an insane asylum with no powers and a lifetime's worth of medical records, his whole identity (indentities) are called into question. Something is wr...

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Junmafia added Midnighter (2015) to their pull list May 20, 2016

Midnighter (2015)

Spinning out of GRAYSON comes a solo series starring the man who can predict your every move... but no one will be able to predict what he'll do next! A theft at the God Garden has unleashed a wave of dangerous biotech weapons on the world, and Midnighter intends to put that genie back in the bottle by any means necessary. But something else was st...

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Junmafia added Old Man Logan (2016) to their pull list May 20, 2016

Old Man Logan (2016)

Fifty years from now, Logan -- the man who no longer calls himself Wolverine -- will have endured many atrocities: The Marvel Universe's villains will have banded together and rid the world of its heroes. Logan's closest friend, Hawkeye, will have been murdered in cold blood right before his eyes. And driven mad by the same radiation that gave him ...

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Junmafia added New Suicide Squad to their pull list May 20, 2016

New Suicide Squad

The world has changed for Task Force X, a.k.a. the Suicide Squad. Director Amanda Waller no longer has the autonomy she once had. New members disrupt the team dynamic. And the team takes on an international scope. New members Jokers Daughter, Deathstroke and Black Manta join Harley Quinn and Deadshot for a mission in the most dangerous and unpredic...

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Junmafia added Doctor Strange (2015) to their pull list May 20, 2016

Doctor Strange (2015)

Who do you call when things are coming out of your dreams and trying to kill you? Or when your daughter is cursing in Latin and walking like a spider? Or when your dog keeps screaming at you to strangle your neighbors? Doctor Strange, of course. He's the only person standing between us and the forces of darkness, but has he been paying his tab? Eve...

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Junmafia added Carnage (2015) to their pull list May 20, 2016

Carnage (2015)

Get ready to scream! Carnage, the homicidal symbiote is back, and he's leaving a trail of bodies behind him. The FBI is hot on his trail, with a different playbook since their serial killer is a super villain. They're equipped with the latest sonic tech and a team including military hero/astronaut John Jameson and a reformed Eddie Brock/Toxin! But ...

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Junmafia added Vision (2015) to their pull list May 20, 2016

Vision (2015)

The Vision wants to be human, and what's more human than family? He goes to the laboratory where he was created, where Ultron molded him into a weapon, where he first rebelled against his given destiny, where he first imagined that he could be more, that he could be good, that he could be a man, a normal, ordinary man. And he builds them. A wife, V...

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Junmafia added Ultimates (2015) to their pull list May 20, 2016

Ultimates (2015)


The ultimate superteam comes together to find and fix problems beyond the limits of the infinite! From cosmic forces lurking on Earth to what waits on the outside of the omniverse – the impossible is where they start! And what’s more impossible than ending th...

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Junmafia added Bloodshot: Reborn to their pull list May 20, 2016

Bloodshot: Reborn

From New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (THE VALIANT, Green Arrow) and red-hot rising star Mico Suayan (HARBINGER, Moon Knight), VALIANT NEXT delivers an all-new ongoing series for Valiant's most unrelenting hero!

Bloodshot's nanites made him a nearly unstoppable killing machine. His enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and hea...

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