Jeff's Profile

Joined: Oct 15, 2017

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Jeff reviewed Power Girl #1 Sep 30, 2023

I know others have been wanting more, but I truly feel P.G. setting up for a great series. I’m interested in the characters, and the dialogue is captivating. The art and colors deliver with great facial expressions. Particularly in the beginning when most artists just give talking heads for the set up. Ink lines are styled creatively and the panel work is inventive beyond the “Ho-hum” standa more

Power Girl #1

By: Leah Williams, Eduardo Pansica
Released: Sep 27, 2023

PRETTY, PUNCHY, AND POWERFUL! After the events of Knight Terrors, a long-dormant Kryptonian threat has returned to take down Superman and his family. Who could possibly stop it? Well, according to the Man of Steel, it's Power Girl! Witness a road trip race against time as Paige reconnects with her roots to save the world from her deadly past. Power...

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Jeff reviewed Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #2 Oct 15, 2017

I’m enjoying the series so far; pace, art and story are working all together well. I like how it ties in the modern world and Sheena’s primitive ways.

I will say I’ve noticed the cell framing has been missing on a few pages. I’m guessing the designer messed up the layers in InDesign or Photoshop. Especially on page 13 where you can read at the top “SHEENA”, “ISSUE#2” and more

Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #2

By: Marguerite Bennett, Moritat
Released: Oct 11, 2017

With 24 hours to find a missing man and save her village from extermination, Sheena must trespass deeper into the forest than she has ever gone before!

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