Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.
This was by far the BEST issue of the series so far. This gave us answers we have wondered, creative connections to our Batman mythos ( new and old), and of course great art! This was fantastic!
Out of the gate, I expected Joker to be in full control and to turn out becoming the villain. But that was not the case. Jack keeps going back and forth between Joker and Napier. So he’s losing control but not totally... until the end... which may also not be the case. We’ll have to wait to see.
Jack tries to talk some sense into Neo Joker but it doesn’t work. So, thanks to The OG Harley, Jack gets the idea to do the last thing Neo Joker would expect and work with Batman. Batman says ok if Jack turns himself in for everything, which as much as this book has been trying to paint Joker as the hero, he was basically breaking the law to get the job done... just like Batman.
Batman asks Jack what happened to Jason Todd and it turns out, Joker tortured Jason until he basically told him who Batman was. Instead of killing him, joker let Jason go but it turns out... Jason ran off and never came back. This part was AMAZING! I loved it. This was such a good twist that made sense and probably, should have been worked into continuity somehow.
We find out that Thomas Wayne built tunnels throughout all of Gotham and Neo Joker got those plans, which is how she was able to move the ice cannon and navigate throughout Gotham unseen. We end with Batman wising up, having a heart to heart with Dick and Babs, and telling Gordon that he will also be taking off the mask after all of this.
There have been some ups and downs throughout this arc, but seeing and issue like this draws you back in and gets you pumped for the last issue! I’m excited to see how it concludes and leave this issue wondering if more
By: Sean Murphy
Released: Apr 4, 2018
This issue, it's Jack versus the Joker! Napier's identity crisis spins out of control and compromises his grand plans for Gotham City - but not before he strikes a fateful bargain with Neo Joker. A browbeaten Batman accepts a peace offering from Batgirl, and some unexpected advice from Alfred sets the tone for the GTO's new mission to redeem the ci...