unratedlogician's Profile

Joined: Aug 06, 2018

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unratedlogician rated Immortal Hulk #4 Aug 6, 2018

Immortal Hulk #4

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Aug 1, 2018

• Walter Langkowski is an ex-football star, a space diplomat and a beloved super hero. Walter Langkowski is charming, healthy and outgoing. Walter Langkowski is the opposite of Bruce Banner.
•  And Walter Langkowski is going to die today, because he went looking for Banner...
•  ...and found the IMMORTAL HULK.
Rated T+

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unratedlogician rated Deadpool #3 Aug 6, 2018

Deadpool #3

By: Skottie Young, Nic Klein
Released: Aug 1, 2018

•  That escalated quickly.
•  Deadpool's got a plan, and those usually work out flawlessly, so everyone, don't worry! Earth is TOTALLY GOING TO BE FINE.
•  But, uh, just in case, anyone have an extra spaceship or a teleporter or some interstellar conveyance? I'm ...

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Cosmic Ghost Rider #2

By: Donny Cates, Dylan Burnett
Released: Aug 1, 2018

The Rider is out to change the universe for the better, starting with an idea so simple he cannot believe no one has ever done it before! But as with all things worth doing, it's not going to be easy. For one thing: SPACE SHARKS. For another? Let's just say it's never good to run into Galactus during a bar fight.
Rated T+

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Captain America #2

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Aug 1, 2018

•  Distrusted by a nation that seems to have lost faith in him, Steve Rogers is a man out of time and out of options!
•   Where can a now-unsanctioned Captain America turn for aid and assistance in order to stem the rise of the cabal
of influence brokers known as the Power Eli...

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Astonishing X-Men #14

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Greg Land
Released: Aug 1, 2018

• Welcome back to the X-Men stage, the incomparable...the amazing...the uncanny...DAZZLER!
•  The Reavers are hunting random mutants, so Havok and Beast must save a former X-Man.
•  But these Reavers aren't completely as they seem!
Rated T+

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Ant-Man & The Wasp #4

By: Mark Waid, Javi Garron
Released: Aug 1, 2018

• Every time Ant-Man and Wasp shrink in the Microverse, they enter a reality with new physics, new beings and new danger!
•  How much smaller can they get before there's no way back?
•  Marvel's weirdest science trip takes things up, er, down a notch!
Rated T+

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