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Joined: Feb 11, 2019

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Optic_Smash reviewed Superman #8 Feb 11, 2019

And the award for “Title with the Most Misleading Cover” goes to . . . Seriously, between last issue’s cover and this week’s menacing, deadly looking Jonathan Kent you’d think he’s going full blown Superboy-Prime. Bendis, Reis and Peterson tell the second part of the “Unity Saga: the House of El”. While getting a check up by Kelek in the new Fortress of Solitude Superboy tells the more

Superman #8

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Feb 13, 2019

The epic secrets of Superman continue to unfold! A few months in space with his paternal grandfather Jor-El changed Jon Kent forever. With Jon now seeking help from his father, the Man of Steel must learn about the war his son and father fought together and set right the wrongs his father may have unleashed on other worlds. See what changed Superbo...

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