Joestar's Profile

Joined: Apr 11, 2019

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Joestar reviewed Batman #85 Mar 5, 2020

Batman and Catwoman are my favorite couple of all time, I loved this number and I loved the story that Tom King told us, it became my favorite among all the stories I have read about this character (and they are not few), The series in general developed quite well and it was great, now is the time to wait for the Batman / Catwoman miniseries, of which I am 100% sure it will be amazing.
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Batman #85

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 18, 2019

The stunning conclusion to "City of Bane" is here! How will Flashpoint Batman be vanquished from our dimension? What will become of Gotham Girl now that she's betrayed all she knows? How will the Bat team cope without Alfred? Will Catwoman stick around? Who will rebuild Gotham City? Is Batman ever going to be Batman again? The event of the summer n...

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Joestar rated Batman Annual #2 Apr 11, 2019

Batman Annual #2

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Travel back in time with us to see the early days of the Bat and the Cat. What was Bruce and Selina's first date? How did this rivalry blossom into romance, and then go right back to being a rivalry again? Tom King reteams with his BATMAN/ELMER FUDD collaborator Lee Weeks to show us a little young love with capes and cowls. And a little crimefighti...

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Joestar rated Batman #68 Apr 11, 2019

Batman #68

By: Tom King, Amanda Conner
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Batman is making his way to the end of his Knightmares, but his unseen enemy has a few more tricks up his sleeve. It's time once again to stick a knife into the Caped Crusader's broken heart, letting the groom-that-could-have-been peer in on the bachelorette (or should that be "Catchelorette"?) party that never was. Artist Amanda Conner (Harley Qui...

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