TangibleGlory's Profile

Joined: Jun 13, 2019 About Me: finally back into comics

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TangibleGlory reviewed Flash Forward #3 Nov 23, 2019

Excellent! Just Excellent! This series is exciting me more and more!

Flash Forward #3

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Nov 20, 2019

The rift between the Multiverse and Dark Multiverse is growing wider, and evil dark energy is threatening all the planets in its path! It's up to Wally West to journey to these worlds and purge them of this darkness, but the greater darkness is that from within. The destruction has now found its way to Earth-43, where Roy Harper is the world's prem...

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TangibleGlory reviewed Flash Forward #2 Nov 23, 2019

My favorite issue so far. The story was fun and upbeat and captured the qualities of Wally West that fans love the most!

Flash Forward #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Oct 16, 2019

When the border between the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse starts to buckle, who do you turn to? The answer: Wally West. Once the Fastest Man Alive, he's now a man with nothing left to live for. Will Tempus Fuginaut's chosen champion rise to the occasion and fight back the demons of the darkness, or will Wally's own demons win the day?

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TangibleGlory reviewed Flash Forward #1 Nov 23, 2019

Great start to the series!

Flash Forward #1

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Sep 18, 2019

His name is Wally West-and he was the Fastest Man Alive. That is, until the Multiverse was rewritten without him or his family in it. Wally returned and tried to make it work, but the damage was done. Spinning out of the events of HEROES IN CRISIS, follow the man who called himself Flash on an adventure to find redemption in a cosmos that has fough...

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TangibleGlory added Flash Forward (2019) to their pull list Nov 23, 2019

Flash Forward (2019)

His name is Wally West-and he was the Fastest Man Alive. That is, until the Multiverse was rewritten without him or his family in it. Wally returned and tried to make it work, but the damage was done. Spinning out of the events of HEROES IN CRISIS, follow the man who called himself Flash on an adventure to find redemption in a cosmos that has fough...

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Psycamorean reviewed Spider-Force #3 Dec 13, 2018

This comic is really a mess. There's no other way of putting it. Part of Priest's style is non-linear storytelling, and sometimes that can work to great effect. In fact, it does in the Deathstroke series he's currently writing. But this miniseries suffers a lot because of it. The story itself isn't extremely thrilling or complicated, despite being a suicide mission with two popular characters invo more

Spider-Force #3

By: Christopher Priest, Paulo Siqueira
Released: Dec 12, 2018

•  Spider-Force is falling, one member at a time.
•  The Inheritor Verna will stop at nothing to get the Solus Crystal to bring her father back to life-and killing all of Spider-Force would be icing on the cake.
•  Will Jessica sacrifice everything to save the Multiverse?
Rated T

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Spacey Medicine reviewed Spider-Force #3 Jun 3, 2019

I really didn’t enjoy this. I barely followed it. I don’t care about any of these people.

Spider-Force #3

By: Christopher Priest, Paulo Siqueira
Released: Dec 12, 2018

•  Spider-Force is falling, one member at a time.
•  The Inheritor Verna will stop at nothing to get the Solus Crystal to bring her father back to life-and killing all of Spider-Force would be icing on the cake.
•  Will Jessica sacrifice everything to save the Multiverse?
Rated T

TangibleGlory reviewed Spider-Force #3 Oct 6, 2019

The story was awful. Not one character was likable and the ending felt weak and bland. Reading this comic was a huge waste of time.

Spider-Force #3

By: Christopher Priest, Paulo Siqueira
Released: Dec 12, 2018

•  Spider-Force is falling, one member at a time.
•  The Inheritor Verna will stop at nothing to get the Solus Crystal to bring her father back to life-and killing all of Spider-Force would be icing on the cake.
•  Will Jessica sacrifice everything to save the Multiverse?
Rated T

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TangibleGlory reviewed Shazam! #6 Jun 13, 2019

Great jumping off point for people who've only seen the movie like me! This was so fun and exciting with each panel a page turner. Excited to see more!

Shazam! #6

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Jun 5, 2019

Billy Batson finds himself face to face with the one person who could tear apart his family: his father! But when Billy discovers the trouble he's father is in and the reason he's sought him out, he'll have to not only use the power of Shazam to help him, but also fend off the lethal team of Dr. Sivana and Mr. Mind!

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TangibleGlory reviewed Green Lantern #8 Jun 13, 2019

After 7 years of quitting comics, I finally decided to pick up reading DC's stuff again. And where better to start than with a Green Lantern/Green Arrow team up! The story was chaotic and confusing at times but I enjoyed the moments between Hal and Ollie. Great issue and looking forward to more!

Green Lantern #8

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Jun 5, 2019

Green Lantern teams up with Green Arrow to stop a cosmic drug cartel that's using Earth as its main distribution base! It's a  brilliant homage to the team-ups of old, as Morrison and Sharp do the 2019 version in a story we can only call "Space Junkies!"

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TangibleGlory added Geoff Johns to their creator watch list Jun 13, 2019
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TangibleGlory added Shazam! (2018) to their pull list Jun 13, 2019

Shazam! (2018)

The superstar team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Dale Eaglesham reunite to launch the first all-new SHAZAM! monthly title set in the DC Universe in almost 20 years! (What took you guys so long?!)
Teenager turned super-hero Billy Batson struggles to balance school and superheroics! (Guess which one is more fun?) But when Shazam unlocks a sho...

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TangibleGlory added Green Lantern (2018) to their pull list Jun 13, 2019

Green Lantern (2018)

Superstar writer Grant Morrison (Batman, All-Star Superman) returns to DC alongside red-hot artist Liam Sharp (The Brave AND the Bold, Wonder Woman) to launch a new, ongoing series: THE GREEN LANTERN!
In this debut issue, when Earth's space cop, Hal Jordan, encounters an alien hiding in plain sight, it sets off a chain of events that rocks the...

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