Darknight's Profile

Joined: Jun 19, 2019

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Darknight reviewed Batman / Catwoman #1 Dec 18, 2020

I loved 🦇🐈♥️. It is a fully recommended read for all comic book lovers and a must read for all Bat / Cat fans.
The art is extraordinary, each panel is perfectly drawn and colored, I already wish I could do something at that level, it would be a dream.
King's writing for me is brilliant, from everything I have read to this day, Tom King, is in my opinion, the author who best dev more

Batman / Catwoman #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Dec 2, 2020

At last, Tom King returns to the rocky, romantic saga of Batman and Catwoman with his Heroes in Crisis collaborator, superstar artist Clay Mann!
Echoing plot points from King’s epic Batman run, this sweeping tale is told across three timelines: the past, when the Bat and the Cat first fell in love; the present, where their union is threat...

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Darknight added Batman / Catwoman (2020) to their pull list Dec 18, 2020

Batman / Catwoman (2020)

At last, Tom King returns to the rocky, romantic saga of Batman and Catwoman with his Heroes in Crisis collaborator, superstar artist Clay Mann!
Echoing plot points from King’s epic Batman run, this sweeping tale is told across three timelines: the past, when the Bat and the Cat first fell in love; the present, where their union is threat...

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leoleol_m reviewed Batman #85 Dec 18, 2019

What a beautiful end to the best Batman run of the decade. Thank you for everything, Mr. King.

Batman #85

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 18, 2019

The stunning conclusion to "City of Bane" is here! How will Flashpoint Batman be vanquished from our dimension? What will become of Gotham Girl now that she's betrayed all she knows? How will the Bat team cope without Alfred? Will Catwoman stick around? Who will rebuild Gotham City? Is Batman ever going to be Batman again? The event of the summer n...

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Æther reviewed Batman #85 Dec 21, 2019

Greatest Batman run ever. Can't wait for the Batman/Catwoman mini series.

Strange that alot of peole think this is some kinda ending, cause its not... we have only been told just over 85% of the story.

So yeah, a lot of people have been writing sloppy reviews and should probably stop and think before they go blabbering on about workings they can barely understand.

Batman #85

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 18, 2019

The stunning conclusion to "City of Bane" is here! How will Flashpoint Batman be vanquished from our dimension? What will become of Gotham Girl now that she's betrayed all she knows? How will the Bat team cope without Alfred? Will Catwoman stick around? Who will rebuild Gotham City? Is Batman ever going to be Batman again? The event of the summer n...

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Darknight reviewed Batman #85 Mar 5, 2020

It seems to me that there are very unfair qualifications for this number, so I will give you the highest grade to make up for a bit.

my real note would be a 9, that's my opinion

Batman #85

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 18, 2019

The stunning conclusion to "City of Bane" is here! How will Flashpoint Batman be vanquished from our dimension? What will become of Gotham Girl now that she's betrayed all she knows? How will the Bat team cope without Alfred? Will Catwoman stick around? Who will rebuild Gotham City? Is Batman ever going to be Batman again? The event of the summer n...

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Darknight reviewed Catwoman #12 Jun 19, 2019

This book has disappointed me, the plot has become very boring and there are things that are too forced. I really hope it will improve in the next installments, otherwise I will stop reading this story.

Catwoman #12

By: Joelle Jones, Fernando Blanco
Released: Jun 12, 2019

Chaos reigns in Villa Hermosa as all the bad guys in town rush to fill the void left by the Creel family's ouster. But as Raina Creel's dark plot to resurrect her son comes to a gruesome crescendo, Catwoman may finally be able to put her foe down once and for all. That is, if she can reconcile her own past and find her footing again.

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Darknight - Jun 19, 2019

This book has disappointed me, the plot has become very boring and there are things that are too forced. I really hope it will improve in the next installments, otherwise I will stop reading this story.

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