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Joined: Jan 10, 2021

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Kyreed commented on this:

It was cool to see Joker run rampant to a level , I had never seen before. I am honestly glad it ended the way it did, focused on Batman's faith in Superman's morality as the reasoning behind Joker's motive to kill Lois was a coy nod to the game. The storytelling was there, but the pencils and colors on this was just like that World's End series : pedestrian. I hope Year One is not a new thing and more

Injustice: Year Zero #14

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Jan 6, 2021

Final chapter of Year Zero! After the destruction of the Hall of Justice, who is still alive? And where did the JSA go? Meanwhile, do old habits die hard for Harley Quinn? Find out here in the epic conclusion to the prequel to Injustice: Gods Among Us!

+ LikeComments (2)
Kyreed - Jan 10, 2021

Year One is not new and the original Injustice run came out before the game. It was digital just like Year Zero and started in January of 2013. Year One and Two are great. Tom Taylor then did the first half of Year Three before signing exclusively with Marvel at the time which was also great. You missed a lot. Year Three was finished from Taylor’s ideas and then he did the Injustice Year Four Annual. Another writer did all of Years Four and Five.

Kyreed - Jan 10, 2021

Taylor also did the Injustice 2 comic series set between the games which is great. Year One is a must read honestly and then Year Two is about the Green Lanterns. Year Three is magic where Injustice Year Three #7 as a physical issue or chapters 13 and 14 is a fantastic end for Taylor with Superman imagining how he wanted things to go.

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