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Joined: May 03, 2021

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #20 Jun 15, 2021

Swamp Thing #20

By: Alan Moore, Dan Day
Released: Nov 30, 1983

Legendary writer Alan Moore makes his debut on SWAMP THING with this issue wrapping up dangling plot threads from previous writers before diving into his own iconic run in issue #21. This hard-to-find issue puts various supporting characters in place and even features the death of Swamp Thing!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #19 Jun 13, 2021

Swamp Thing #19

By: Stephen Bissette
Released: Sep 28, 1983

Matt Cable struggles against the monsters in his mind while a rebuilt Anton Arcane makes his presence known!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #18 Jun 11, 2021

Swamp Thing #18

By: Martin Pasko, Stephen Bissette
Released: Oct 26, 1983

While Swamp Thing, Matt, and Abby are overwhelmed by the monsters from Matt's brain, Arcane tells the captive Harry Kay the story of his last encounter with Swamp Thing.

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #17 Jun 11, 2021

Swamp Thing #17

By: Martin Pasko, Stephen Bissette
Released: Sep 28, 1983

Swamp Thing learns of the marriage between his two friends: Abigail Arcane and Matthew Cable. However, he also learns of the despicable acts Matthew has been forcing on his wife!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #16 May 29, 2021

Swamp Thing #16

By: Martin Pasko, Stephen Bissette
Released: Jul 27, 1983

Swamp Thing and his friends head for Washington, D.C. to uncover the roots of the conspiracy against them.

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #15 May 29, 2021

Swamp Thing #15

By: Dan Mishkin, Bo Hampton
Released: Jun 29, 1983

Transformed into crystals, the Swamp Thing and the Phantom Strange must find a way to revert back to normal in order to stop Nathaniel Broder from gaining power over all computer information!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #14 May 28, 2021

Swamp Thing #14

By: Dan Mishkin, Bo Hampton
Released: May 25, 1983

The Swamp Thing goes against Nathaniel Broder, an electronics genius who transforms his body into living crystal. But Swamp Thing's not alone in this fight as he's joined by the Phantom Stranger!

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Dani06_ rated New Teen Titans #7 May 15, 2021

New Teen Titans #7

By: Marv Wolfman, George Perez
Released: May 6, 1981

The unveiling of Titans Tower! As the team settles into their new headquarters, the Fearsome Five return intent on freeing Psimon from his extra-dimensional banishment by Trigon!

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Dani06_ rated New Teen Titans #6 May 15, 2021

New Teen Titans #6

By: George Perez
Released: Mar 25, 1981

Raven has returned to Azarath with Trigon, but the Titans won't abandon her so easily. The Titans head to the hellish world to save their teammate and battle Trigon on his own turf.

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Dani06_ rated New Teen Titans #5 May 14, 2021

New Teen Titans #5

By: George Perez, Curt Swan
Released: Feb 25, 1981

After last issue's revelation, the Titans no longer trust Raven. However, when the demon Trigon finally decides to invade Earth, the Titans must put aside their distrust to save the world from the forces of evil. But victory might come at a terrible price!

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Dani06_ rated New Teen Titans #4 May 13, 2021

New Teen Titans #4

By: George Perez
Released: Jan 28, 1981

Raven's origin tale continues, as the Titans must face off against their mentors in the Justice League of America for the fate of the world! But a terrible secret is revealed about the formation of the team and threatens to tear the Titans apart!

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Dani06_ rated New Teen Titans #3 May 12, 2021

New Teen Titans #3

By: Marv Wolfman, George Perez
Released: Dec 31, 1980

Learn the secret origin of the alien Starfire as the Titans move into the new headquarters on Titans Island! Meanwhile, the villainous Doctor Light calls together Psimon, Mammoth, Gizmo and Shimmer to form the super-villain team known as the Fearsome Five!

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Dani06_ rated New Teen Titans #2 May 12, 2021

New Teen Titans #2

By: Marv Wolfman, George Perez
Released: Nov 26, 1980

First appearance of the DC Universe villain Deathstroke the Terminator! The Titans intervene in a domestic disturbance between Grant Wilson and his girlfriend Carol Sladky leading to the couple's break up--and Grant swearing revenge against the team!

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Dani06_ rated New Teen Titans #1 May 11, 2021

New Teen Titans #1

By: Marv Wolfman, George Perez
Released: Oct 29, 1980

The mysterious Raven tries to convince Robin the Boy Wonder, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash and Changeling, as well as newcomers Cyborg and Starfire, to form a new Teen Titans team to combat a coming menace!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #13 May 10, 2021

Swamp Thing #13

By: Nicola Cuti, Fred Carrillo
Released: Apr 27, 1983

Trapped in the Fortress of the Beast, the evil spirit of Casey Clancy and Grasp toy with Swamp Thing, Liz, Dennis, and Harry Kay, running them through a gantlet of death-traps.

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #12 May 9, 2021

Swamp Thing #12

By: Nicola Cuti, Fred Carrillo
Released: Mar 30, 1983

Swamp Thing continues to battle against the Golem seeking to destroy Casey Clancy. Plus, Grasp comes up with a plan to eliminate all his targets in one swoop!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #11 May 9, 2021

Swamp Thing #11

By: Paul Levitz, Fred Carrillo
Released: Feb 23, 1983

A dark revelation is made regarding Casey Clancy--one that could spell doom not only for the Swamp Thing but also the entire world!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #10 May 8, 2021

Swamp Thing #10

By: Joey Cavalieri, Fred Carrillo
Released: Jan 26, 1983

Swamp Thing and his allies discover an adult Casey Clancy while in search of the mystic pendulum of one of Hitler's most powerful occultists.

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #9 May 7, 2021

Swamp Thing #9

By: Joey Cavalieri, Fred Carrillo
Released: Dec 29, 1982

Casey Clancy uses psychic power to grow her body into adulthood. Meanwhile, General Sunderland gives Grasp the order to kill the Swamp Thing!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #8 May 7, 2021

Swamp Thing #8

By: Mike W. Barr, Fred Carrillo
Released: Nov 24, 1982

Swamp Thing, Dennis, and Liz are stranded on an island populated by six mutated Marines and the shades of classic movie heroes.

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #7 May 7, 2021

Swamp Thing #7

By: Mike W. Barr, Fred Carrillo
Released: Oct 27, 1982

Still on the cruise ship Haven and at the mercy of Sunderland, the Swamp Thing must battle against squid-like creatures!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #6 May 7, 2021

Swamp Thing #6

By: Mike W. Barr, Dan Spiegle
Released: Sep 29, 1982

While traveling, a sudden roadblock brings Swamp Thing, Liz and Dennis Barclay to a halt--but it's all a trap and an impostor officer runs off with Liz!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #5 May 6, 2021

Swamp Thing #5

By: Mike W. Barr, Howard Bender
Released: Aug 25, 1982

After sustaining an injury, the Swamp Thing is healed by the Sunderland Corporation doctor, but what seems like an altruistic gesture is anything but!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #4 May 5, 2021

Swamp Thing #4

By: Mike W. Barr, Tony Dezuniga
Released: Jul 28, 1982

A demon that murders children possesses the body of Paul Feldner--and kidnaps Casey Clancy, Swamp Thing's young friend. It's up to Swamp Thing to rescue her before she becomes the demon's latest victim!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #3 May 5, 2021

Swamp Thing #3

By: Mike W. Barr, Dan Spiegle
Released: Jun 30, 1982

Swamp Thing becomes involved with a group of hunters in the town of Rosewood, Illinois, who are looking to rid the town of vampires!

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #2 May 5, 2021

Swamp Thing #2

By: Mike W. Barr, Dan Spiegle
Released: May 26, 1982

The Sunderland Corporation has captured Swamp Thing and its leader, the villainous Grasp, seeks to wrest from him the secret of the bio-restorative formula.

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Dani06_ rated Swamp Thing #1 May 4, 2021

Swamp Thing #1

By: Bruce Jones, Dan Spiegle
Released: Apr 28, 1982

Retelling the origin of the Swamp Thing! Meanwhile, in the present, Swamp Thing saves three hunters from a bear--but the hunters quickly turn their guns on the new perceived threat!

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Dani06_ rated Watchmen #12 May 3, 2021

Watchmen #12

By: Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons

The epic maxiseries by legendary comic creator Alan Moore and acclaimed artist Dave Gibbons comes to its stunning conclusion! What is the final fate of Rorschach, Nite Owl, Dr. Manhattan, Silk Spectre and the world itself? Find out here as the Doomsday Clock finally strikes midnight!

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Dani06_ rated Watchmen #11 May 3, 2021

Watchmen #11

By: Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons

Nite Owl and Rorschach confront the shocking villain responsible for the Comedian's murder. But the truth of his plan extends far beyond anything they could have imagined--and even worse, they are completely powerless to stop it!

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Dani06_ rated Watchmen #10 May 3, 2021

Watchmen #10

By: Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons

The mastermind behind the Comedian's death and Dr. Manhattan's exile finally revealed! With Silk Spectre taken away by Dr. Manhattan, it's up to Nite Owl and Rorschach to piece together the puzzle of the "cape killer."

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