Tarun Joga's Profile

Joined: Sep 02, 2021

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Tarun Joga reviewed Dark Ages #3 Nov 18, 2021

Need a Animated TV Series adaptation so bad😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Dark Ages #3

By: Tom Taylor, Iban Coello
Released: Nov 17, 2021

AFTER THE LIGHTS GO OUT — STRANGE THINGS LURK WITHIN THE DARKNESS! The Earth has been plunged into darkness, and Avengers and X-Men have begun vanishing in the night. They have been taken and twisted by Apocalypse to serve an evil older than the world. A group of heroes will assemble to travel across the dark planet in a desperate attempt to res...

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cincyfan - Jan 15, 2022

I agree I would love to see this turned into a animated series!

Tarun Joga reviewed Dark Ages #2 Oct 8, 2021


Dark Ages #2

By: Tom Taylor, Iban Coello
Released: Oct 6, 2021

It has been years since the age of technology ended in a single moment, like a switch had been flicked to off for an entire planet. Now Earth's heroes attempt to bring humanity together in the darkness. X-Men and Avengers, vigilantes and villains all work together to create something better. But something darker than the night is descending on the ...

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Tarun Joga added Dark Ages (2021) to their pull list Oct 8, 2021

Dark Ages (2021)

This is what the Watcher has been watching for!
•  A danger older than the Earth threatens everything. For once, the heroes who have saved the planet so many times are almost powerless in the face of it.
•  X-Men and Avengers assemble. Spider-People and Fantastic Four come together. Heroes for Hire fight alongside Champions.  

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Tarun Joga reviewed Moon Knight #3 Sep 23, 2021

Excellent Art Work

Moon Knight #3

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Sep 22, 2021

Miles Morales: Spider-Man 10th ANNIVERSARY Variant Cover by GREG LAND
An apostate priest, Moon Knight has taken on Khonshu's duty as his own. To the people he protects, this is a blessing. To Hunter's Moon, this is sacrilege. It is no small thing, to betray a god and take on his role. And when the Fist of Khonshu offers shelter to vampires, the...

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Tarun Joga reviewed Dark Ages #1 Sep 2, 2021


Dark Ages #1

By: Tom Taylor, Iban Coello
Released: Sep 1, 2021

This is what the Watcher has been watching for!
•  A danger older than the Earth threatens everything. For once, the heroes who have saved the planet so many times are almost powerless in the face of it.
•  X-Men and Avengers assemble. Spider-People and Fantastic Four come together. Heroes for Hire fight alongside Champions.  

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